Article scientifique
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From terrorscape to leisurescape. A case study of 'Stalin World' in Lithuania

Contributeurs/tricesNaef, Patrick Jamesorcid
Publié dansVS, vol. 119, p. 93-108
Date de publication2015

The objective of this contribution is to explore heritage management through the lens of concepts like terrorscape and leisurescape. Using a case study from Lithuania, “Stalin World”, it will examine the way specific landscapes can overlap with the touristification of Soviet traumatic heritage. This historical theme park located in the south of the country may be conceived as a touristscape constructed of traumatic memory: a reconstituted terrorscape based on the history of the gulag. The main argument here is that, through the mobilization of irony and derision in a context close to leisure, this traumatic heritage can be confronted in a country still trying to forget the dark years of Soviet rule. However, the trivialization of such a traumatic heritage has been contested and this memorial initiative was a source of vivid debates on the safeguarding or obliteration of Soviet memory, as well as ethical questions as to its management.

  • Patrimoine
  • Lituanie
  • Trivialisation
  • Parc à thèmes
  • Goulag
  • Staline
  • Union soviétique
Citation (format ISO)
NAEF, Patrick James. From terrorscape to leisurescape. A case study of “Stalin World” in Lithuania. In: VS, 2015, vol. 119, p. 93–108.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:78945
ISSN du journal0393-8255

Informations techniques

Création27/12/2015 18:51:00
Première validation27/12/2015 18:51:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 00:00:40
Changement de statut15/03/2023 00:00:40
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 19:54:49
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