
The Time-Based Resource Sharing Model and the Illusion of Two Memory Stores in Free Recall

Contributeurs/tricesO'Murchù, Andrej Seàn
Directeurs/tricesBarrouillet, Pierre Noël
Dénomination du masterMaîtrise universitaire interdisciplinaire en neurosciences
Date de soutenance2015

Free recall has been used extensively in memory research. When recall is plotted in terms of input order, a recall curve, a serial position curve, emerges. Recall on first and last items is much better than recall on the middle items and this clear separation between beginning and end has long been interpreted as evidence for two-store models of memory. Over the years, it has been used in conjunction with various experimental manipulations and research questions. Here, in two experiments, continuous-distractor free recall is used within the framework of the time-based resource-sharing model (TBRS). The TBRS posits that if attention is switched away by a distractor task from to be maintained items, their memory representations suffer from a time-related decay and are forgotten if not regularly reactivated by means of attentional refreshing...

Citation (format ISO)
O’MURCHÙ, Andrej Seàn. The Time-Based Resource Sharing Model and the Illusion of Two Memory Stores in Free Recall. 2015.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:76281

Informations techniques

Création15/10/2015 13:18:00
Première validation15/10/2015 13:18:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 23:43:27
Changement de statut14/03/2023 23:43:26
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 20:35:36
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