Article scientifique

Creating high-dimensional time-bin entanglement using mode-locked lasers

Publié dansQuantum information & computation, vol. 2, no. 6, p. 425-433
Date de publication2002

We present a new scheme to generate high dimensional entanglement between two photonic systems. The idea is based on parametric down conversion with a sequence of pump pulses generated by a mode-locked laser. We prove experimentally the feasibility of this scheme by performing a Franson-type Bell test using a 2-way interferometer with path-length difference equal to the distance between two pump pulses. With this experiment, we can demonstrate entanglement for a two-photon state of at least dimension d=11. Finally, we propose a feasible experiment to show a Fabry-Perot like effect for a high dimensional two-photon state.

  • Entangled qudits
  • Parametric down conversion
Citation (format ISO)
DE RIEDMATTEN, Hugues et al. Creating high-dimensional time-bin entanglement using mode-locked lasers. In: Quantum information & computation, 2002, vol. 2, n° 6, p. 425–433.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:36797
ISSN du journal1533-7146

Informations techniques

Création20.05.2014 14:21:00
Première validation20.05.2014 14:21:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 21:15:05
Changement de statut14.03.2023 21:15:04
Dernière indexation16.01.2024 10:42:26
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