Master d'études avancées

Delivery Skills in Consecutive Interpreting: Recommendations and Best Practices

Directeurs/tricesMoser-Mercer, Barbara
Dénomination du masterMAS in interpreter training
Date de soutenance2006

Interpreters working in consecutive mode must master a number of skills, amongst which: - technical skills (discourse analysis, note-taking, etc.) and - delivery skills (verbal communication – expression, voice and non verbal communication – body language, gestures) In an attempt to shed light on the challenges and potential solutions associated with the acquisition of delivery skills in consecutive interpreting, a pilot study (in the form of questionnaires, for the teachers, and interviews, with the students) was conducted at the Interpretation Department of ETI, Geneva, the findings of which led to the development of a series of pedagogical recommendations. The relevance of delivery skills was recognised by all, students and teachers alike. They did not seem to share the same opinion on what constituted the biggest challenge in learning CI skills, with students seeing technical skills as a major source of stress, eventually causing difficulties with the delivery, and teachers insisting on the importance of the student's personality and life experience, and psychosocial factors such as shyness or lack of confidence. Some of the recommendations address the broader context of teacher-student interaction by reminding teachers not to underestimate the psychological aspects of consecutive interpreting skills, by encouraging them to foster a climate of positive feedback and confidence and involving students in the choice of delivery-specific exercises, and by tailoring some exercises to individuals and their difficulties; others have to do with the timing and method of delivery skill training and suggest to start presentation-specific training before CI-specific training, provide regular delivery-specific training sessions and offer students regular comments focused on delivery. Additional recommendations delve into the choice of pedagogical tools and advice, such as the use of video recordings and tips about audience, voice, expression and non verbal communication.

  • Acquisition
  • Delivery skills
  • Pedagogical recommendations
  • Consecutive interpreting
Citation (format ISO)
LANDGRAF, Françoise, STRASSER, Fernanda. Delivery Skills in Consecutive Interpreting: Recommendations and Best Practices. 2006.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:28298

Informations techniques

Création03/05/2013 15:17:00
Première validation03/05/2013 15:17:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 20:17:25
Changement de statut14/03/2023 20:17:25
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 19:51:41
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