
Staging the Symbol: the Nabis, theatre decoration, and the total work of art

Contributeurs/tricesVan Tilburg, Merel
Directeurs/tricesGamboni, Dario Libero
Date de soutenance2013-03-09

Staging the Symbol is a study of the project of the total work of art in Symbolist theatre and Nabi art. As with Wagner's notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk, this project was always conceived as a dream to be realised, an "artwork of the future". During the first half of the 1890s, the members of the Nabi group dreamed of the future realisation a more complete artwork paralleling "nature" or "life". They thus continued the project formulated by René Ghil for Symbolist poetry in 1886: "chercher, induisant de Symbole en Symbole, la raison de la Nature et de la Vie." Similarly, the first Symbolist performances at the Théâtre d'Art were considered as try-outs or essays in view of the creation of a full-fledged Symbolist theatre - which remained, essentially, a series of experiments. In six chapters, Staging the Symbol discusses the cross-fertilisation between Nabi painting and Symbolist theatre in Paris between 1891 and 1895, which focused on the mise en scène of the symbol as a synthetic sign, in a Wagnerian project of a synthesis of the arts.

  • Nabis
  • Gesamtkunstwerk
  • Symbolist theatre
  • stage design
Citation (format ISO)
VAN TILBURG, Merel. Staging the Symbol: the Nabis, theatre decoration, and the total work of art. 2013. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:27443
Fichiers principaux (1)

Informations techniques

Création08.04.2013 14:43:00
Première validation08.04.2013 14:43:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 20:08:38
Changement de statut14.03.2023 20:08:38
Dernière indexation29.01.2024 19:49:34
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