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A ReSTful Web Service for Accessing a Multilingual and Multi-format Syntactic Parser

Contributeurs/tricesNebhi, Kamel; Nerima, Luka; Wehrli, Eric
Date de publication2012

To increase the accessibility and usability of language resources and tools, this paper proposes a ReSTful Web Service for accessing the multilingual Fips parser. Our services offer some widely known and used linguistic data formats such as the TEI and the PASSAGE formats. In the current version, the services are available for English, French,German, Italian, Spanish and Greek. Users can access all of these technologies and data formats simply by using a browser while developers can create Web applications based on these resources.

  • Language Resources and Tools
  • Web Service
  • ReSTful Architecture
Citation (format ISO)
NEBHI, Kamel, NERIMA, Luka, WEHRLI, Eric. A ReSTful Web Service for Accessing a Multilingual and Multi-format Syntactic Parser. In: 4ème édition du colloque Infol@ngues: NTICS, Langues et Humanités : Réalités et Perspectives. Béja (Tunisie). 2012.
Fichiers principaux (1)
  • PID : unige:24069

Informations techniques

Création16/11/2012 16:54:00
Première validation16/11/2012 16:54:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 17:45:19
Changement de statut14/03/2023 17:45:19
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 00:32:03
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