Chapitre de livre

The motivational basis of classroom management practices and beliefs of Swiss vocational teachers

Publié dansGlobal Perspectives on Teacher Motivation, Editeurs/trices Watt, H. M. G., Richardson, P. W., & Smith, K., p. 95-125
Maison d'éditionCambridge : Cambridge University Press
Date de publication2017

This chapter examines whether and how teacher motivation matters for vocational teachers' instructional practices and teacher beliefs, specifically related to classroom management. Classroom management is conceptualized according to two continuua: Autonomy-support vs control, and structure vs chaos. Following a review of studies showing that motivations to become a teacher and to teach have relevance in explaining instructional practices, an empirical study with 102 vocational teachers in Switzerland is presented. The results reveal that relatively high percentages of the variances in classroom management practices and beliefs are explained by motivations to become a teacher and individual characteristics. Notable results are: (a) the importance of subject interest, promoting structure, control and chaos; (b) the detrimental effect of fallback career motivations on classroom management practices and beliefs; and, (c) the lack of association between motivations and autonomy-support behaviours. The results are discussed in light of prior studies, methodological issues, and theoretical developments.

Structure d'affiliation Pas une publication de l'UNIGE
Citation (format ISO)
BERGER, Jean-Louis et al. The motivational basis of classroom management practices and beliefs of Swiss vocational teachers. In: Global Perspectives on Teacher Motivation. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017. p. 95–125. doi: 10.1017/9781316225202.005
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Published version)

Informations techniques

Création11/06/2021 16:06:00
Première validation11/06/2021 16:06:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 00:56:25
Changement de statut16/03/2023 00:56:24
Dernière indexation17/01/2024 13:45:11
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