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Territory beyond the anglophone tradition

Contributeurs/tricesDel Biaggio, Cristina
Publié dansThe Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography, Editeurs/trices John A. Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna Secor, Joanne Sharp, p. 568
Maison d'éditionWiley-Blackwell
Date de publication2016

The Francophone "territoire" is often translated by the English "place" and not by "territory", as the common sense would suggest. This detail underscores a deeper, and epistemological, difference existing between the Anglophone "territory" and the Francophone "territoire". The Francophone territoire never so strictly coincided with a bounded state territory, as in the Anglophone tradition. In the Francophone territoire the logics of agents and not necessarily state-agents, are included, and historically the concept of territoire allowed Francophone geography to become a social science in its own right. As such, territoire conceived in the Francophone way, is nowadays a powerful scholars tool to explore the contemporary world, made of a combination of borders, networks and overlapping territories. Despite the evident interest of conceiving territories beyond a state-centric view, Anglophone geographers, as opposed to their Francophone colleagues, never dare to do so. This chapter aims to present to an Anglophone audience how the Francophone tradition conceives territory and how it links it with issues of identities, projects and agents.

  • Territory
  • Space
  • Place
  • Geography
  • Alps
  • Territoire
Citation (format ISO)
DEL BIAGGIO, Cristina. Territory beyond the anglophone tradition. In: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography. [s.l.] : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. p. 568.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:90766

Informations techniques

Création22.12.2016 06:39:00
Première validation22.12.2016 06:39:00
Heure de mise à jour15.03.2023 01:15:09
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