Chapitre de livre


Publié dansFair resource allocation and rationing at the bedside, Editeurs/trices Danis, M., Hurst, S.A., Fleck, L.M., Forde, R. & Slowther, A.
Maison d'éditionOxford : Oxford University Press
Date de publication2014

Contemporary medicine has much to offer in efforts to promote health, prevent illness, diagnose and manage disease, and stave off death. As the populations of all countries age and the armamentarium of medicine expands, the opportunities and choices about what to provide to a given patient in pursuit of these efforts is increasingly costly and complicated. The clinician who provides care for a patient has among the most influential roles in determining the resources used. This book considers ways to foster cost-conscious care at the bedside as a feasible and ethically sound practice. It brings together both empirical evidence about the way doctors take cost into account in their practices, along with analyses from recognized scholars from various disciplines. This introduction defines resource allocation and bedside rationing as it uses the terms. It describes the origins of the book and provide an overview of its contents.

  • Cost conscious care
  • Resource use
  • Medical practice
  • Empirical evidence
  • Ethical analyses
Groupe de recherche
Citation (format ISO)
HURST, Samia et al. Introduction. In: Fair resource allocation and rationing at the bedside. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199989447.003.0025

Informations techniques

Création27/06/2016 08:09:00
Première validation27/06/2016 08:09:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 00:29:15
Changement de statut15/03/2023 00:29:15
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 21:08:02
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