Article scientifique

Referendums, Trust, and Tax Evasion

Contributeurs/tricesHug, Simonorcid; Spörri, Franziska
Publié dansEuropäische Zeitschrift für politische Ökonomie, vol. 27, p. 120-131
Date de publication2011

Countries engaged in transitions from Communist rule to democracy and market economies face a considerable challenge to foster tax morale and to reduce tax evasion. Tax evasion, however, severely limits the capacities of these reformed states, which reduces in a vicious circle the citizens' incentives to pay taxes. The question then arises how this vicious circle may be broken. Several authors suggest that political institutions may do the trick. Based on insights that institutions allowing a direct say on policy issues (especially tax questions) may increase tax morale, we propose to study comparatively how the link between trust and tax morale is affected by these institutions. We find that allowing for referendums strengthens the link between trust and tax morale, but that this effect depends on the nature of the institutions.

  • Tax morale
  • Trust
  • Political institutions
  • Referendums
Citation (format ISO)
HUG, Simon, SPÖRRI, Franziska. Referendums, Trust, and Tax Evasion. In: Europäische Zeitschrift für politische Ökonomie, 2011, vol. 27, p. 120–131.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Submitted version)
  • PID : unige:6333
ISSN du journal0176-2680

Informations techniques

Création18/04/2010 10:24:00
Première validation18/04/2010 10:24:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 15:28:10
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