Article scientifique
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Herméneutique, language et vérité

Contributeurs/tricesEngel, Pascal
Publié dansStudia philosophica, vol. 57, p. 109-131
Date de publication1998

Although analytic philosophy and philosophical hermeneutics have little in common, there are some analogies between the hermeneutic doctrine that understanding always presupposes a prior understanding (the hermeneutic circle) and the doctrine, held by various philosophers in the analytic tradition, that there is no understanding of linguistic meaning from outside language. I call this view the priority thesis. It implies that language is always prior to thought and to reality and that the latter can only be understood from the point of view of the former. I examine this priority thesis, which has been held in particular by Wittgenstein and by Davidson, and I compare it to Gadamer's views, arguing that it is false.

  • Hermeneutics
  • Interpretation
  • Language
  • Realism
  • Truth
Structure d'affiliation Pas une publication de l'UNIGE
Citation (format ISO)
ENGEL, Pascal. Herméneutique, language et vérité. In: Studia philosophica, 1998, vol. 57, p. 109–131.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:4892
ISSN du journal0081-6825

Informations techniques

Création26/01/2010 13:19:05
Première validation26/01/2010 13:19:05
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 15:20:19
Changement de statut14/03/2023 15:20:19
Dernière indexation15/01/2024 19:27:17
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