Chapitre d'actes

Dual diffusion model of spreading activation for content-based image retrieval

Présenté à Santa Barbara (CA, USA), 26-27 October 2006
Maison d'éditionACM
Date de publication2006

This paper introduces a content-based information retrieval method inspired by the ideas of spreading activation models. In response to a given query,the proposed approach computes document ranks as their final activation values obtained upon completion of a diffusion process. This diffusion process,in turn,is dual in the sense that it models the spreading of the query 's initial activation simultaneously in two similarity domains: low-level feature-based and high-level semantic.The formulation of the diffusion process relies on an approximation that makes it possible to compute the final activation as a solution to a linear system of differential equations via a matrix exponential without the need to resort to an iterative simulation.The latter calculation is performed efficiently by adapting a sparse routine based on Krylov sub-space projection method.The empirical performance of the described dual diffusion model has been evaluated in terms of precision and recall on the task of content-based digital image retrieval in query-by-example scenario. The obtained experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better overall performance compared to traditional feature-based approaches. This performance improvement is attained not only when both similarity domains are used, but also when a diffusion model operates only on the feature-based similarities.

  • diffusion models, spreading activation, semantic similarity
Citation (format ISO)
KOSINOV, Serhiy et al. Dual diffusion model of spreading activation for content-based image retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval, MIR ’06 8th. Santa Barbara (CA, USA). [s.l.] : ACM, 2006. p. 43–50.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Proceedings chapter (Published version)
  • PID : unige:47791

Informations techniques

Création06.03.2015 17:12:14
Première validation06.03.2015 17:12:14
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 22:59:12
Changement de statut14.03.2023 22:59:12
Dernière indexation16.01.2024 17:10:56
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