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Analyzing Social Networking Websites: The Design of Happy Network in China

Contributeurs/tricesZimmermann, Basileorcid
Publié dansGlobal Design History, Editeurs/trices Glenn Adamson, Giorgio Riello, Sarah Teasley, p. 153-162
Maison d'éditionRoutledge
Date de publication2011

In April 2008, a new SNS was launched in China: 开心网 (Happy Network). Its particular rhetoric, compared to existing social networking websites at the time, was that it focused on the idea of ‘having fun.' In June 2009 the number of registered users of the site exceeded 30 million, and was growing at a fast pace. The company was eleventh in a list of top Chinese websites, and analysts called it China's top Internet phenomenon of 2008/2009. Websites and web pages are paradigmatic objects for whom is interested in the question of global design as they are at the same time circulating inside and part of the structure of an international network: the Internet. Based on research beginning in July 2008 in Beijing, this paper presents on-going research about Happy Network's web interface design process. It shows how the Network interpreted design concepts already used by other social networking websites, improved them by providing different ways of interaction between users, and developed its own means of advertising. Methodologically, it also suggests how web design can be analyzed using insights taken from two different theoretical frameworks in social sciences: the grounded theory and the actor-network theory.

  • China
  • Social networking sites
  • Design Research
  • Grounded Theory
  • Actor-network theory
  • Contemporary China
Groupe de recherche
Citation (format ISO)
ZIMMERMANN, Basile. Analyzing Social Networking Websites: The Design of Happy Network in China. In: Global Design History. [s.l.] : Routledge, 2011. p. 153–162.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:46319

Informations techniques

Création01/02/2015 14:51:00
Première validation01/02/2015 14:51:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 22:48:12
Changement de statut14/03/2023 22:48:12
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 16:36:15
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