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Kobalt(II)-Orthosilicatsynthesen mittels Si02-Transport über SiF4 und Reaktion von CoF2 (fest) mit Si02 (fest)

Contributeurs/tricesSchmid, Hans
Publié dansZeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, vol. 327, no. 1-2, p. 110-112
Date de publication1964

During studies of CoO-CoF2 mixts. in air at 1000 Deg, incomplete drying of air established the excellent transport property of the reaction SiO2 (s) + 4HF (g) = SiF4 (g) + 2H2O (g) (1). Traces of water in the air hydrolyze CoF2 to HF which reacts with SiO2 according to (1). Then the synthesis of Co2SiO4 proceeds by SiF4 (g) + 2CoF2 (g) + 4H2O (g) = Co2SiO4 (s) + 8HF (g) (2). The HF formed in (2) may react with CoO to produce CoF2. The possibility of 2CoF2 (g) + 2SiO2 (s) = Co2SiO4 (s) + SiF4 (g) is also considered. Carrier gas methods and closed transport cycles are contemplated in the extension of this gas phase synthesis to other metals.

  • Co2SiO4
  • Chemical vapour transport
Citation (format ISO)
SCHMID, Hans. Kobalt(II)-Orthosilicatsynthesen mittels Si0<sub>2</sub>-Transport über SiF<sub>4</sub> und Reaktion von CoF<sub>2</sub> (fest) mit Si0<sub>2</sub> (fest). In: Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 1964, vol. 327, n° 1-2, p. 110–112.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:32466
ISSN du journal0044-2313

Informations techniques

Création16/11/2013 08:59:00
Première validation16/11/2013 08:59:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 20:45:32
Changement de statut14/03/2023 20:45:32
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 08:37:17
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