
Production of phonological errors beyond the level of a word in aphasic patients

Contributeurs/tricesCullen, Nathalie
Dénomination du masterMaîtrise universitaire en logopédie
Date de soutenance2013

In this study we investigated whether or not phonological encoding span in aphasic patients is limited to a single word as compared to normal speakers whose encoding span is at least at the level of a noun phrase. To do this, we studied contextual, between-word phonological errors and in particular, anticipatory errors, because they are a good indicator of phonological encoding span. A picture naming task was used to test both groups. It included both tongue-twister like target sequences - as an attempt to enhance the number of phonological errors produced; and French liaison sequences – a novel indicator of advance planning - to compare the overall number of obligatory liaison consonants made by both groups. Results for the most part, confirm our hypothesis: whilst patients produce more phonological errors than non-brain-damaged participants, they produce far less anticipatory errors and more persevatory errors.

Groupe de recherche
Citation (format ISO)
CULLEN, Nathalie. Production of phonological errors beyond the level of a word in aphasic patients. 2013.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:29086

Informations techniques

Création18/07/2013 14:16:00
Première validation18/07/2013 14:16:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 20:21:41
Changement de statut14/03/2023 20:21:41
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 19:54:14
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