Article scientifique

Le prétendu conflit entre exilés et non-exilés dans la province de Yehud à l'époque achéménide. Plaidoyer pour une approche différenciée

Publié dansTranseuphratène, vol. 42, p. 19-47
Date de publication2012

This study reexamines the issue of the so-called conflict between exiles and non-exiles in Persian period Yehud. Without denying the existence of such conflicts in relation to the installation of groups from the golah in Yehud, the study highlights the complexity of the evidence at our disposal, as well as the numerous methodological issues involved. Overall, two elements, in particular, emerge from this survey. In the late Neo-Babylonian and early Persian periods, the traditions preserved in the Hebrew Bible attest to a situation that appears to have been much less a source of conflict than has frequently been assumed. As to the conflicts of the late Persian and early Hellenistic periods that are mentioned in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, in particular, the antagonism between exiles and non-exiles no longer appears to play a significant role. Some of the main implication of this finding are briefly addressed at the end of this article.

  • Judée
  • Bible
Citation (format ISO)
MACCHI, Jean-Daniel, NIHAN, Christophe. Le prétendu conflit entre exilés et non-exilés dans la province de Yehud à l’époque achéménide. Plaidoyer pour une approche différenciée. In: Transeuphratène, 2012, vol. 42, p. 19–47.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:24781
ISSN du journal0996-5904

Informations techniques

Création19.12.2012 14:11:00
Première validation19.12.2012 14:11:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 17:48:13
Changement de statut14.03.2023 17:48:13
Dernière indexation16.01.2024 00:41:41
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