
SPAT-1 acts with PLK-1 to regulate PAR polarity and cell cycle progression in the early C. elegans embryo

Contributeurs/tricesNoatynska, Anna
Date de soutenance2011-12-07

During cell division, cell cycle events have to be highly coordinated to happen in a correct order, with the proper timing and only once per division. Asymmetrically dividing cell must also coordinate polarity establishment and maintenance with other events of cell division. The presented work was pursued to study the link between cell cycle progression and cell polarity in asymmetrically dividing cells. An early C. elegans embryo enables simultaneous investigation and identification of proteins that control both these processes. The main players that have emerged from this work are: the mitotic kinase, PLK-1 and its regulator SPAT-1, the homologue of human Bora. As presented in the thesis, SPAT-1 together with PLK-1 controls both PAR polarity and cell cycle timing constituting a link between these events during asymmetric cell division.

  • Cell polarity
  • Cell cycle
  • Asymmetric cell division
  • Polo-like kinase 1
  • Aurora A
  • PAR polarity
  • C. elegans
Citation (format ISO)
NOATYNSKA, Anna. SPAT-1 acts with PLK-1 to regulate PAR polarity and cell cycle progression in the early C. elegans embryo. 2011. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:20290
Fichiers principaux (1)

Informations techniques

Création06.05.2012 10:03:00
Première validation06.05.2012 10:03:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 17:29:00
Changement de statut14.03.2023 17:28:59
Dernière indexation29.01.2024 19:25:43
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