Chapitre de livre

What is "Quantum-Logic"?

Publié dansQuanta: essays in theoretical physics dedicated to Gregor Wentzel, Editeurs/trices Freund, Peter George Olivier ; Goebel, Charles J. & Nambu, Yoichiro, p. 166-181
Maison d'éditionChicago : The University of Chicago Press
Date de publication1970

In this paper we present a short introduction and survey of the calculus often called "Quantum Logic", and we point out the difficulties which prevent us from considering this calculus as a logic. It is furthermore shown that the probability calculus for a quantal system is a generalization of the classical probability calculus, which gives a more general meaning to the notion of random variable.

Citation (format ISO)
JAUCH, Joseph-Maria, PIRON, Constantin. What is ‘Quantum-Logic’? In: Quanta: essays in theoretical physics dedicated to Gregor Wentzel. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1970. p. 166–181.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Published version)
  • PID : unige:162159

Informations techniques

Création20/07/2022 10:57:00
Première validation20/07/2022 10:57:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 07:00:56
Changement de statut16/03/2023 07:00:56
Dernière indexation17/01/2024 21:01:56
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