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Remote work and E-commerce in the time of Covid-19: report of online internship at the ITU WSIS Forum 2021

Directeurs/tricesZimmermann, Basileorcid
Dénomination du masterInnovation, human development and sustainability
Date de soutenance2021-09-06

As the second and then third wave of Covid-19 spread in Europe, we had the opportunity to intern remotely at the International Telecommunication Union to help organizing the WSIS Forum 2021. We wish that our report can provide readers and researchers in the future with a glimpse of the experience of remote studying and working in 2020 and 2021. Our hope is that this experience can directly contribute to the objectives of WSIS Plan of Action “in building an inclusive Information Society; in putting the potential knowledge and ICTs at the service of development; in promoting the use of 5 information and knowledge and in addressing new challenges of the Information Society.”4 The experience of remote working and studying during the time of Covid-19 pandemic promoted very concretely the use of ICTs in development, work and education. In fact, Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the use of ICTs, information and knowledge to address new challenges of the Information Society. The report is organized as follows. Part 2 is the overview of the internship. We describe in details the process of the whole internship from the start to the end, in particular, the WSIS Forum on May 17-21 2021. We also chronicle our organizing of 2 workshops on E-commerce: E-commerce and sustainable development in China; E-commerce, mobile payment and internet finance. In part 3, we summarize the speeches of two workshops. In part 4, we write about the correlation between SDGs and our internship analyzing and giving examples of specific cases. In part 5, we reflect on our experience of working remotely and the learning outcome. The report concludes with the personal statements from all 4 of our teammates.

  • E-commerce
  • Remote working
  • Remote studying
  • Information society
  • Covid-19
  • Pandemic
  • ICTs
Citation (format ISO)
LI, Yuhan, ZHOU, Xingyu, DUONG, Anh Quang. Remote work and E-commerce in the time of Covid-19: report of online internship at the ITU WSIS Forum 2021. 2021.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:161434

Informations techniques

Création09/03/2022 13:07:00
Première validation09/03/2022 13:07:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 06:45:23
Changement de statut16/03/2023 06:45:22
Dernière indexation01/02/2024 08:21:45
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