Conference presentation

Eco-feminism: Deconstructing the Intersectional Dominations of Carnophallogocentrism

Presented atCours général en Etudes genre, Qui sait quoi ? Genre, cultures et dominations, Genève, 26.11.2021, p. 31
Presentation date2021-11-26

Ecofeminism is an analytical method that engages the intersecting dominations of women and nature. Of these two key terms, the definition of “women” is most controversial, reflecting the historical dynamic between second and third wave feminisms. The complex range of eco-feminist theories diverge most clearly on the issue of gender essentialism: for example, spiritual “Earth Mother” eco-feminism in contrast with materialist or postmodern eco-feminism. In this presentation, I will begin by reviewing the components of eco-feminist theory, then highlighting the primary differences – and conflicts – among a range of approaches to women and nature, before elaborating these differences in relation to Carol Adams's work with the concept of carnophallogocentrism. The prefix “carn” (flesh), added by Jacques Derrida to his concept of phallogocentrism, which refers to the organizing function of masculinity (symbolized by the phallus) in the construction of discursive meaning (logos), stresses the sacrificial consumption of the other-than-human, animal or woman, to which Carol Adams gestures in the title of her book "Neither Man Nor Beast" (1994). The second part of the session will be devoted to the analysis of specific advertising images using Adams's method.

  • Eco-feminism
  • Women's rights
  • Animal rights
  • Media studies
  • Advertising
  • Food
Citation (ISO format)
MADSEN, Deborah Lea. Eco-feminism: Deconstructing the Intersectional Dominations of Carnophallogocentrism. In: Cours général en Etudes genre. Genève. 2021. 31 p.
Main files (1)
  • PID : unige:157838

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