Supervised works
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1 - 136 of 136
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Hemispheric geometries and migration discourses in the discipline of American Studies2nd International conference on globalization, inclusion and diversity in English Studies (GIDES)
2025 14 0
Gender, sexuality, and the reproductive politics of settler colonialismCours général in Etudes genre, Faculté des lettres, UNIGE
2024 22 19
Environmental Agency and the "More-Than-Human" in Native American Digital NarrativeSocial and Environmental (In)Justice in Discourse & in the Literary/Artistic Imagination
2024 73 0
During and after the conferenceConférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale : CUSO PhD Day
2023 48 24
Of bison bones and fine China : a vegan approach to genocide on the Plains67th annual British Association for American Studies conference
2023 158 102
Body shaming at the limits of the human"Faire ou défaire la honte : arts, genre et discriminations"
2023 78 1
The Talking DeadAmerican Indian Workshop
2023 46 113
What judges your story ? : moral deixis and readerly orientationSwiss papers in English language and literature
2023 117 47
Gerald VizenorOxford Bibliographies in American Literature
2022 172 0
Ethical Veganism and Intersectional Justice at Bronson Alcott's Fruitlands (1843-1844)British Association for American Studies Conference 2022
2022 192 3
Indigenous NarrativesThe Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction 1980-2020
2022 211 0
Carnophallogocentrism and vegan narration : from emotional to moral deixis in Alice Walker's 'Am I Blue?'Who Tells Your Story?
2022 224 34
The exceptional power of the dead in Heid E. Erdrich's "National monuments"Enduring critical poses : the legacy and life of Anishinaabe literature and letters
2021 198 2
Convergence des luttes entre féminisme et défense de la natureL'Événement syndical
2021 295 5
Eco-feminism: Deconstructing the Intersectional Dominations of CarnophallogocentrismCours général en Etudes genre
2021 399 15
Ecofeminism : feminists helping the planetLa Mèche
2021 159 9
Le grand retour de l'écoféminismeLe Temps
2021 193 3
When the medium is (not) the message : intersectionality and procedural rhetoric in vegan video gamesArt, genre et environnement : vers une intelligence de la nature ? (Cours en études genre)
2020 461 117
Indigenizing the internetThe Cambridge history of Native American literature
2020 246 2
Expanding settler colonial theory. [Review of :] Empire of the people : settler colonialism and the foundations of modern democratic thought / Adam Dahl. - Lawrence : University Press of Kansas, 2018Transmotion
2019 323 113
L'avenir de l'écoféminisme dépend de son impactLe Temps
2019 372 20
AmbiguityThomas Pynchon in Context
2019 375 8
Playing with Form: Elizabeth La Pensée's Indigenously-Determined Video-GamesSANAS Biennial conference 2018: “The Genres of Genre: A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations.”
2018 692 73
Leslie Marmon SilkoOxford Bibliographies Online
2018 477 0
“Like oil and water”: extractive industry, water rights, and aesthetic activism in native american interactive digital narrativePour des humanités environnementales, Journée d'étude facultaire, Faculté des lettres, Université de Genève
2018 707 219
“Stolen from our Bodies”: Biocolonialism and Native North American Two-Spirit IdentitiesCELVS/ SoPHIE: Cycle de conférences féministe aux Bastions, Université de Genève
2018 984 850
“'Communitism' in Aktion: Indigene Gemeinschaft, dekolonialer Aktivismus und Videospiel-Narrativ in Kisima Ingitchuna (Never Alone)” trans. Andreas FliednerLiteratur und Politische Philosophie
2018 476 0
The Mechanics of Survivance in Indigenously-Determined Video-Games: Invaders and Never AloneTransmotion
2017 1,053 350
Captivity without Redemption: Pynchon's Allegories of Empire in Mason & Dixon
2016 475 428
“Anti-imperial Translation”: Silko, Freud, and the Voicing of Disavowed HistoriesLeslie Marmon Silko
2016 607 238
Discontinuous Narrative, Ojibwe Sovereignty, and the Wiindigoo Logic of Settler Colonialism: Louise Erdrich's Marn WoldeStudies in American Indian literatures
2016 614 802
Writing American Studies?Encyclopedia of American Studies online
2016 489 70
[Review of :] Those Who Belong: Identity, Family, Blood and Citizenship among the White Earth Anishinaabeg / Jill Doerfler. East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, 2015Transmotion
2015 466 44
Introduction: The Indigenous Contexts of “Native.” “American.” “Literature.”Routledge Companion to Native American Literature
2015 538 311
The Sovereignty of Transmotion in a State of Exception: Lessons from the Internment of ‘Praying Indians' on Deer Island, Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1675-1676Transmotion
2015 601 343
[Review of:] Contemporary Chicana Literature: (Re)Writing the Maternal Script / Cristina Herrera. Amherst NY : Cambria Press, 2014Contemporary women's writing
2015 781 37
The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature
2015 473 0
Human Exceptionalism: Vizenor's Autogrammatological Critique of EcologocentrismEcology and Life Writing
2013 595 3
The Rhetoric of Double Allegiance: Imagined Communities in North American Diasporic Chinese LiteraturesRecherches anglaises et américaines
2013 712 375
Preface: Tragic Wisdom and SurvivanceConversations with Remarkable Native Americans
2013 650 524
AlterityThe Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon
2012 536 252
Louise Erdrich: The Aesthetics of Mino bimaadiziwinLouise Erdrich
2011 703 515
Louise Erdrich: Tracks, The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, The Plague of Doves
2011 552 0
Queering Cultural China: Performing Nation through the Feminine BodyTextual practice
2011 643 520
[Review of:] Postcolonial asylum: seeking sanctuary before the law / David Farrier. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011Journal of postcolonial writing
2011 477 86
[Review of:] Migration Literature and Hybridity: The Different Speeds of Transcultural Change / Sten Pultz Moslund. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010Commonwealth
2011 451 90
The Making of (Native) Americans: Suturing and Citizenship in the Scene of EducationParallax
2011 725 4
[Review of :] Gerald Vizenor / Simone Pellerin ed. - Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007. - (Profils américains ; 20). - ISBN 978-1-4051-0318-3Studies in American Indian Literatures
2011 141 0
Hybridity, Hyphenation and Mixed-Race IdentitiesHybridity: Forms and Figures in Literature and the Visual Arts
2011 662 3
[Review of:] Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak : In Other Words / Ray Sangeeta. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009Journal of postcolonial writing
2011 395 99
Witch-hunting: American Exceptionalism and Global TerrorismAmerican Exceptionalisms
2011 767 450
Out of the Melting Pot, Into the Nationalist Fires: Native American Literary Studies in EuropeAmerican Indian quarterly
2011 477 184
American Allegory to 1900Cambridge Companion to Allegory
2010 593 218
Native Authenticity: Transnational Perspectives on Native American Literary Studies
2010 525 284
[Review of:] Father Meme: a novel / Gerald Vizenor. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2008American Indian quarterly
2010 429 68
[Review of :] Law as Resistance: Modernism, Imperialism, Legalism / Peter Fitzpatrick. Burlington VT : Ashgate, 2008Journal of postcolonial writing
2010 429 72
[Review of:] Popular Feminist Fiction as American Allegory: Representing National Time / Jane Elliott. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008Contemporary women's writing
2010 432 166
From Colony to Republic: Building the American NationReading the Nation in English Literature
2010 451 157
Teaching Trauma: (Neo-)Slave Narratives and Cultural (Re-)MemoryTeaching African American Women's Writing
2010 914 727
The West and Manifest DestinyA Concise Companion to American Studies
2010 692 932
Un-American Exceptionalism in the Disciplinary Field: from Unmeltable Ethnics to Flexible CitizensRerouting the postcolonial
2010 459 218
Writing in the fourth person: a Lacanian reading of Vizenor's pronounsGerald Vizenor : texts and contexts
2010 189 0
Travels in the body : technologies of waste in the Chinese diasporaChina abroad : travels, subjects, spaces
2009 560 8
[Review of:] Autobiography and Decolonization: Modernity, Masculinity, and the Nation-State / by Philip Holden. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 2008Journal of postcolonial writing
2009 431 128
Orientalism and its Stereotypes. [Review of:] Chinese in Australian Literature, 1888-1988 / by Ouyang YuAustralian humanities review
2009 385 106
Understanding Gerald Vizenor (Understanding Contemporary American Literature)
2009 525 162
'The Exception that Proves the Rule'?: National Fear, Racial Loathing, Chinese Writing in "UnAustralia"Antipodes
2009 497 0
[Review of :] World Writing: Poetics, Ethics, Globalization / ed. Mary Gallagher. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2008Journal of postcolonial writing
2009 391 80
Discourses of Frontier Violence and the Trauma of National Emergence: Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove QuartetCanadian review of American studies
2009 475 548
Diasporic Histories: Cultural Archives of Chinese Transnationalism
2009 440 0
Trickster Narratives of the New World: Erdrich, Dorris, ColumbusStudies in the Literary Achievement of Louise Erdrich, Native American Writer
2009 532 331
[Review of:] Voices from Haskell: Indian Students Between Two Worlds, 1884-1928 / by Myriam Vučković. Lawrence : University Press of Kansas, 2008American Indian culture and research journal
2009 321 77
Bearing the Diasporic Burden: Representations of Suicide in Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Café, Fae Myenne Ng's Bone, and Hsu-Ming Teo's Love and VertigoChina Fictions/English Language: Literary Readings in Diaspora and After
2008 514 381
Sexing the Sojourner: Imagining Nation: Writing Women in the Global Chinese DiasporaContemporary women's writing
2008 517 368
On Subjectivity and Survivance: Re-reading Trauma through The Heirs of Columbus and The Crown of ColumbusSurvivance
2008 855 895
Pynchon and the Tradition of American RomanceApproaches to Teaching Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 and Other Works
2008 794 188
"Mo No Boy": The Negative Rhetoric of Nation in the Work of Wayson ChoyWest coast line
2008 576 439
Artefact, Commodity, Fetish: The Aesthetic Turn in Chinese American Literary StudyQuerying genealogy
2007 470 224
Of Time and Trauma: The Possibilities for Narrative in Paula Gunn Allen's The Woman Who Owned the ShadowsTransatlantic Voices
2007 642 248
'Walking the Walk/Talking the Talk': On Survivance, Spatial Narrative and the National Museum of the American IndianPlace and native American Indian history and culture
2007 303 135
The Discursive Dynamics of Chinese American Life Writing: Pardee Lowe and Jade Snow WongAmerikastudien
2007 542 180
Asian Australian LiteraturesCompanion to Australian Literature
2007 520 607
Nora Okja Keller's Comfort Woman and the Ethics of Literary TraumaStudies in English literature and linguistics
2007 1,111 500
Teaching, Technology, Textuality: Approaches to New Media
2006 531 0
'No Place Like Home': The Ambivalent Rhetoric of Hospitality in the Work of Simone Lazaroo, Arlene Chai, and Hsu-Ming TeoJournal of intercultural studies
2006 847 2
Multicultural Futures: Cultural Diversity and the Desire of BelongingTransitions: Race, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change
2006 441 194
Dictionary of Literary Biography: Asian American Writers
2005 832 0
Transcendence through Violence: Women and the Martial Arts Motif in Recent American Fiction and FilmLiterature and the Visual Media
2005 547 446
Beyond the Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory
2003 1,575 0
[Review of :] Jonathan Edwards and the Bible / Robert E. Brown. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2002American studies
2003 406 47
Chinese American Writers
2002 340 0
[Review of :] Common Ground : Reimagining American History / Gary Y. Okihiro. - Princeton University Press, 2001 ; A Resource Guide to Asian American Literature / Sau-ling Cynthia Wong and Stephen H. Sumida (eds.). - New York : Modern Language Association of America, 2001Journal of American studies
2002 408 74
[Review of :] The Consent of the Governed : The Lockean Legacy in Early American Culture / Gillian Brown. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2001American studies
2002 343 34
[Review of :] Marks of Distinction : American Exceptionalism Revisited / ed. Dale Carter. - Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2001American studies in Scandinavia
2002 491 58
[Review of:] By Nature and by Custom Cursed: Transatlantic Civil Discourse and New England Cultural Production, 1620-1660 / Phillip H. RoundAmerican studies
2001 448 67
[Review of:] Authorizing Experience: Reconfigurations of the Body Politic in Seventeenth-Century New England Writing / by Jim Egan. Princeton NJ : Princeton University Press, 1999Yearbook of English studies
2001 340 48
Feminist Theory and Literary Practice
2000 650 2,417
[Review of :] The Romance of Desire : Emerson's Commitment to Incompletion / Susan L. Field. - Cranbury : Associated University Presses, 1997Journal of American studies
1999 433 42
Hawthorne's Puritans: From Fact to FictionJournal of American studies
1999 732 472
Teaching with Hypertext in a Literary ContextInnovations in education and teaching international
1999 423 211
[Review of :] An Interethnic Companion to Asian-American Literature / King-Kok Cheung (ed.)Journal of American studies
1999 435 91
Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-64 (United States)Encyclopedia of the Novel
1998 315 1
Beloved by Toni Morrison (1987)Encyclopedia of the Novel
1998 405 2
American Exceptionalism
1998 658 1,440
Family Legacies: Identifying the Traces of Judge William Pynchon in Gravity's RainbowPynchon notes
1998 482 268
Genre Criticism (Problems in Categorizing the Novel as a Genre)Encyclopedia of the Novel
1998 350 2
Toni Morrison 1931-Encyclopedia of the Novel
1998 343 1
United States Novel (1900-1945)Encyclopedia of the Novel
1998 354 1
Colonialism on the couch. [Review of :] Mason & Dixon / Thomas Pynchon. - London : Jonathan Cape, 1997Times higher education supplement
1997 349 1
[Review of :] The Long Argument : English Puritanism and the Shaping of New England, 1570-1700 / Stephen FosterAmerican studies
1997 389 40
Postmodernism: A Bibliography, 1926-1994
1995 481 0
[Review of :] A New World of Words : Redefining Early American Literature / William C. Spengemann. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 1994American studies
1995 377 63
[Review of :] John Barth and the Anxiety of Continuance / by Patricia Tobin. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992Modern language review
1995 409 155
[Review of :] Melville and Repose : The Rhetoric of Humor in the American Renaissance / John Bryant. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1993Journal of American studies
1995 416 150
Allegory in America: From Puritanism to Postmodernism (Studies in Literature and Religion)
1995 504 104
[Review of :] The Perfect Law of Liberty : Elias Smith and the Providential History of America / Michael G. Kenny. - Washington, D.C. ; London : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994 ; John Winthrop's World : History as a Story, the Story as History / James G. Moseley. - Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1992American studies
1995 296 38
[Review of :] Contemporary American Fiction / by Nick Hornby. - London: Vision Press ; New York : St Martin's Press, 1992Modern language review
1994 373 172
Visions of America Since 1492
1994 347 0
[Review of :] The New England Milton : Literary Reception and Cultural Authority in the New Republic / Kevin Van AnglenAmerican studies
1994 354 47
(Dis)figuration : the body as icon in the writings of Maxine Hong KingstonYearbook of English studies
1994 485 348
[Review of :] New Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God / Michael Awkward (ed.) ; New Essays on The Rise of Silas Lapham / Donald Pease (ed.) ; New Essays on Sister Carrie / Donald Pizer (ed.). - New York ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Journal of American studies
1993 405 180
[Review of :] Sport and the Spirit of Play in Contemporary American Fiction / by Christian K. Messenger. - New York: Columbia University Press, 1990 ; Sporting with the Gods : The Rhetoric of Play and Game in American Culture / by Michael Oriard. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Modern language review
1993 381 140
[Review of :] Soul Liberty : The Baptists' Struggle in New England, 1630-1833 / William G. McLoughlinAmerican studies
1993 433 116
[Review of :] The Protestant Evangelical Awakening / W. R. WardAmerican studies
1993 428 77
[Review of :] New Readings of the American Novel : Narrative Theory and its Application / by Peter Messent. - Basingstoke ; London : Macmillan, 1990Yearbook of English studies
1993 364 37
[Review of :] Early Literature and Culture : Essays Honoring Harrison T. Meserole / ed. by Kathryn Zabelle Derounians-StolodaAmerican studies
1993 307 60
[Review of :] Forever Pursuing Genesis : The Myth of Eden in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut / by Leonard Mustazza. - Lewisburg, PA : Bucknell University Press ; London ; Toronto : Associated University Presses, 1990Modern language review
1993 343 129
The Generation Gap: Postmodernism in the NinetiesOver here
1992 304 111
The Sword or the Scroll: The Power of Rhetoric in Colonial New EnglandAmerican studies
1992 404 86
The Postmodernist Allegories of Thomas Pynchon
1991 971 0
[Review of :] The New American Writing : Essays on American Literature Since 1970 / Graham Clarke (ed.). - London : Vision Press ; New York : St. Martin's Press, 1990 ; Discontinuities : Essays on Paul de Man / Luc Herman, Kris Humbeeck & Gert Lernout (eds.). - Amsterdam : Rodopi ; Antwerp : Restant, 1989Journal of American studies
1991 424 165
"A for Abolition": Hawthorne's Bond-servant and the Shadow of SlaveryJournal of American studies
1991 568 370
[Review of :] The Future of Literary Theory / Ralph Cohen. - London : Routledge, 1989 ; American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties / Vincent Leitch. - New York: Columbia University Press, 1988 ; The Annals of American Literature 1602-1983 / Richard M. Ludwig & Clifford A. Nault, Jr. (eds.). - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1986 ; A Mirror for Americanists : Reflections on the Idea of American Literature / William C. Spengemann. - Hanover, NH : University Press of New England, 1989Journal of American studies
1991 387 137
[Review of :] Modern/Postmodern : a Study in Twentieth-Century Arts and Ideas / Silvio Gaggi. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989Journal of American studies
1990 371 162
The Romance of the New WorldJournal of American studies
1990 318 137
[Review of :] Postmodern Studies I : Postmodern Fiction in Europe and the Americas / Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens eds. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1988Journal of American studies
1989 383 185
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