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Données sur les teneurs en hafnium et en yttrium des zircons

Contributeurs/tricesChessex, Ronald; Delaloye, Michel
Date de publication1965

We present in this paper some determinations of Hf and Y in zircons using X-Ray fluorescence method. Most of the results are in good agreement with those of the literature. In igneous rocks of the calco-alkaline series, the Zr/Hf ratios of zircons, wich range from 48 to 29, decrease with the color index, i.e. from diorites to granites. In the alkaline series, zircons with the lowest Hf content are found in nepheline syenites. Y shows the same trend of variation. The Zr/Hf ratios of zircons from metamorphic rocks may be considered as normal. Zircons of albitized granites are poor in Hf whereas those of autometasomatic granites are very rich in both Y and Hf. Zircons of effusive rocks have Zr/Hf ratios more variable than those of plutonic rocks of the same composition.

RemarqueTexte en français avec résumé en anglais
Citation (format ISO)
CHESSEX, Ronald, DELALOYE, Michel. Données sur les teneurs en hafnium et en yttrium des zircons. In: Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, 1965, vol. 45, n° 1, p. 295–315. doi: 10.5169/seals-35196
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
ISSN du journal0036-7699

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Création28/04/2021 10:00:00
Première validation28/04/2021 10:00:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 00:31:42
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