Article scientifique
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[Review of:] Hamlet / Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor (Ed.) ; [and of:] Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623 / Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor (Ed.) ; [and of:] Hamlet / Norbert Greiner and Wolfgang G. Müller (Ed.)

Contributeurs/tricesErne, Lukas Christianorcid
Publié dansShakespeare-Jahrbuch, vol. 143, p. 233-237
Date de publication2007
Citation (format ISO)
ERNE, Lukas Christian. [Review of:] Hamlet / Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor (Ed.) ; [and of:] Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623 / Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor (Ed.) ; [and of:] Hamlet / Norbert Greiner and Wolfgang G. Müller (Ed.). In: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 2007, vol. 143, p. 233–237.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:14918
ISSN du journal1430-2527

Informations techniques

Création05/04/2011 17:12:00
Première validation05/04/2011 17:12:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 16:14:58
Changement de statut14/03/2023 16:14:58
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