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Will Pussy Riot Dance on #Euromaidan? New Dissidence, Civic Disobedience and Cyber-Mythology in the Post-Soviet Context

Contributeurs/tricesTchermalykh, Nataliya
Publié dansReligion and Gender, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 215-220
Date de publication2014

Written in the beginning of December 2013, this article was inspired by two events that temporarily coincided: the massive manifestations in Kiyv's Maidan Square, called ‘Euromaidan' and the release of Pussy Riot from prison in Russia. Asking myself if those two events were pure coincidence, or if there were a certain political or at least media causality between the two, I try to analyse both processes (Euromaidan media representation and Pussy Riot media-plot) as new myths (referring to Barthes, McLuhan and Meletinskii's theories) of political resistance in post-Soviet territories, created through the media.

  • Pussy Riot
  • Cyber-activism
  • Media activism
  • Media and mythology
  • Censorship
Structure d'affiliation Pas une publication de l'UNIGE
Citation (format ISO)
TCHERMALYKH, Nataliya. Will Pussy Riot Dance on #Euromaidan? New Dissidence, Civic Disobedience and Cyber-Mythology in the Post-Soviet Context. In: Religion and Gender, 2014, vol. 4, n° 2, p. 215–220.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:125741
ISSN du journal1878-5417

Informations techniques

Création15/10/2019 15:01:00
Première validation15/10/2019 15:01:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 18:18:21
Changement de statut15/03/2023 18:18:20
Dernière indexation12/02/2024 11:44:21
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