Conference presentation
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Playing with Form: Elizabeth La Pensée's Indigenously-Determined Video-Games

Publication date2018

This presentation was delivered as a last-minute replacement for the opening plenary session of the 2018 SANAS conference: “The Genres of Genre: A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations” at the University of Lausanne. Some of the materials used in the presentation were not new, having appeared in my essay “The Mechanics of Survivance in Indigenously-Determined Video-Games: Invaders and Never Alone” (published in Transmotion, vol. 3, no. 2 (2017): 79-110) and the presentation, “'Like oil and water': Extractive Industry, Water Rights, and Aesthetic Activism in Native American Interactive Digital Narrative,” delivered as part of the Journée d'étude facultaire, Faculté des lettres, University of Geneva (May 2018) on the topic “Pour des humanités environnementales.” In the present lecture this material has been reoriented towards the conference topic, specifically the questions posed in the Call For Papers concerning the ways in which “marginal” artists “subvert specific genres to resist and protest social injustices.” Taking these questions into the field of video-games, this presentation argues that playing with the form of popular video-game genres allows Indigenously-determined games to play with expectations, responses, and narrative meanings. The resulting re-thematization of generic video-game mechanics serves the project of Indigenous decolonization.

  • Videogames
  • Videogame mechanics
  • Digital Media
  • Native American
  • Indigenous American
  • American Indian
  • Elizabeth LaPensée
  • Thunderbird Strike
  • Invaders
  • Digital Narratology
Citation (ISO format)
MADSEN, Deborah Lea. Playing with Form: Elizabeth La Pensée’s Indigenously-Determined Video-Games. In: SANAS Biennial conference 2018: “The Genres of Genre: A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations.”. Université de Lausanne. 2018.
Main files (1)
  • PID : unige:110579

Technical informations

Creation06/11/2018 14:15:00
First validation06/11/2018 14:15:00
Update time15/03/2023 14:11:31
Status update15/03/2023 14:11:30
Last indexation31/10/2024 12:42:39
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