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Early Language Development in Preterm Born Infants

Contributeurs/tricesVandormael, Charlotte
Directeurs/tricesHüppi, Petra Susan
Dénomination du masterMaîtrise universitaire en neurosciences
Date de soutenance2018

Background: Preterm birth occurs in up to 12% of births, and therefore affects a large number of newborns worldwide. It has been described in the literature, that early exposure to the extra-uterine environment due to premature birth can have various effects for an infant's neurodevelopment, and thus can affect aspects of development such as cognition and language. The aim of this Master's thesis is to assess whether the brain of preterm newborns, who were exposed to language earlier in their extra-uterine environment, show different cortical speech processing. In order to achieve this, we investigated functional brain activation in preterm- and fullterm newborns while listening to forward and backward (in time reversed) speech using fMRI. We hypothesized that early language exposure in the preterm infant would allow for different cortical processing of forward to backward speech in preterm infants compared to fullterm infants...

Citation (format ISO)
VANDORMAEL, Charlotte. Early Language Development in Preterm Born Infants. 2018.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:105825

Informations techniques

Création22.06.2018 11:08:00
Première validation22.06.2018 11:08:00
Heure de mise à jour15.03.2023 08:21:37
Changement de statut15.03.2023 08:21:36
Dernière indexation29.01.2024 21:30:58
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