
The role of histone variant H3.3 and its chaperone HIRA in Caenorhabditis elegans

Contributeurs/tricesMailler, Jonathan
Directeurs/tricesSteiner, Florianorcid
Dénomination du masterMaster in Biology option Genetics, Development & Evolution
Date de soutenance2018

H3.3 is a replication independent histone H3 variant that replace H3 into nucleosomes. It is Incorporated into nucleosomes by histone chaperone Hira and the ATRX/DAXX complex. Loss of all h3.3 genes lead to end of the lineage of the mutant in every studied organism except C. elegans. In this master thesis I demonstrate that loss of all 5 of the h3.3 genes in C. elegans lead to a phenotype. I show that it results in a lower brood size at low temperature stress and that is not cause by embryonic lethality. I also show that H3.3 null worms are more sensitive to heat shock but that pre-adaptation period before the heat shock restore the wild type phenotype. I present evidence that this effect is due to a miss expression of heat shock gene in the H3.3 null mutant. I also study the phenotype of HIRA null mutant. It has a protruding vulva and extreme low brood size. Using EMS screen, I identified a mutant that suppress the over low brood size of HIRA null mutant at 25 °C.

Citation (format ISO)
MAILLER, Jonathan. The role of histone variant H3.3 and its chaperone HIRA in Caenorhabditis elegans. 2018.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:103984

Informations techniques

Création26/04/2018 14:16:00
Première validation26/04/2018 14:16:00
Heure de mise à jour06/03/2024 14:48:35
Changement de statut06/03/2024 14:48:35
Dernière indexation06/03/2024 14:48:37
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