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Connettivi polifunzionali e traduzione. Gli equivalenti di certes in italiano e inglese nella prosa giornalistica

Contributeurs/tricesTitus-Brianti, Giovanna
Publié dansContrastive Linguistics, vol. XLII, no. 4, p. 105-116
Date de publication2017

By comparing parallel and comparable corpora made of press articles we intend to show first how the epistemic adverb certes moved away from its original assertive meaning and specialized in the concessive function when it is followed by mais, which is a sign of a further grammaticalization compared to certo and certainly which have a mainly intensifiying meaning. Moreover we will take into account L1 attrition in the translation process.

  • Interference
  • Certes/certo/certainly
  • Concession
  • Polyfunctional connectives
  • Grammaticalization
Citation (format ISO)
TITUS-BRIANTI, Giovanna. Connettivi polifunzionali e traduzione. Gli equivalenti di certes in italiano e inglese nella prosa giornalistica. In: Contrastive Linguistics, 2017, vol. XLII, n° 4, p. 105–116.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:101798
ISSN du journal2414-4843

Informations techniques

Création30/01/2018 14:18:00
Première validation30/01/2018 14:18:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 07:48:37
Changement de statut15/03/2023 07:48:37
Dernière indexation17/01/2024 02:09:56
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