Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The Uses and Abuses of History: Genocide and the Making of the Karabakh Conflict | Europe-Asia Studies | 2018 | 443 | 1 | |||
Censorship, indifference, oblivion: The Armenian genocide and its denial | Truth, Silence, and Violence in Emerging States. Histories of the Unspoken | 2018 | 560 | 2 | |||
The Last Closed Border of the Cold War: Turkey–Armenia | Journal of Borderlands Studies | 2017 | 396 | 2 | |||
Confessionnalisme et conflits au Moyen-Orient. Une perspective de longue durée | Relations internationales | 2017 | 615 | 4 | |||
Confessionnalisme et conflits au Moyen-Orient. Une perspective de longue durée | Relations internationales | 2017 | 604 | 236 | |||
Diverses recensions | Connexe | 2015 | 95 | 32 | |||
ISIS and the Killing Fields of the Middle East | Survival | 2015 | 348 | 2 | |||
Revolution and Civil Society, Testimonies from the Field | From Perestroika to Rainbow Revolutions, Reform and Revolution After Socialism | 2013 | 329 | 1 | |||
The Origins and Trajectory of Caucasian Conflicts | Europe-Asia Studies | 2012 | 413 | 291 |