Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
What are the causes of repeated mass-transport deposits in perialpine Lake Brienz (Switzerland)? | EGU General Assembly 2023 | 2023 | 152 | 34 | |||
Subaqueous geomorphology and delta dynamics of Lake Brienz (Switzerland): implications for the sediment budget in the alpine realm | Swiss journal of geosciences | 2021 | 90 | 50 | |||
Reframing Lake Geneva ecological trajectory in a context of multiple but asynchronous pressures | Journal of paleolimnology | 2021 | 92 | 0 | |||
Lake-sediment based paleoseismology: Limitations and perspectives from the Swiss Alps | Quaternary science reviews | 2017 | 530 | 2 | |||
The role of mass-transport deposits and turbidites in shaping modern lacustrine deepwater channels | Marine and petroleum geology | 2016 | 676 | 355 | |||
Changes in distal sedimentation regime of the Rhone delta system controlled by subaquatic channels (Lake Geneva, Switzerland/France) | Marine geology | 2015 | 598 | 80 | |||
Reconstructing 4000 years of mass movement and tsunami history in a deep peri-Alpine lake (Lake Geneva, France-Switzerland) | Sedimentology | 2015 | 861 | 221 | |||
Origin of turbidites in deep Lake Geneva (France–Switzerland) in the last 1500 years | Journal of sedimentary research | 2015 | 644 | 6 | |||
Lake dwellers occupation gap in Lake Geneva (France–Switzerland) possibly explained by an earthquake–mass movement–tsunami event during Early Bronze Age | Earth and planetary science letters | 2014 | 1 151 | 891 | |||
Reconstructing 4000 years of event history in deep Lake Geneva (Switzerland – France): insights from the sedimentary record | 2014 | 1 035 | 150 | ||||
Searching the Rhone delta channel in Lake Geneva since François Alphonse Forel | Archives des sciences | 2012 | 873 | 9 | |||
Giant Lake Geneva tsunami in AD 563 | Nature geoscience | 2012 | 1 126 | 59 | |||
Description of an aerodynamic levitation apparatus with applications in Earth sciences | Geochemical transactions | 2010 | 664 | 404 |