Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Marginal integrity of low-shrinking versus methacrylate-based composite: effect of different one-step self-etch adhesives | Odontology | 2017 | 107 | 0 | |||
Fatigue behavior of resin-modified monolithic CAD–CAM RNC crowns and endocrowns | Dental materials | 2016 | 568 | 323 | |||
Silorane, ormocer, methacrylate and compomer long-term staining susceptibility using ΔE and ΔE 00 colour-difference formulas | Odontology | 2016 | 516 | 0 | |||
Micro-dureté des résines de scellement à activation lumineuse et duale, polymérisées au travers d'endo-couronnes | 2015 | 958 | 247 | ||||
Microhardness of light- and dual-polymerizable luting resins polymerized through 7.5-mm-thick endocrowns | The Journal of prosthetic dentistry | 2014 | 630 | 4 | |||
Shrinkage Kinetics of a Methacrylate- and a Silorane-based Resin Composite: Effect on Marginal Integrity | Journal of adhesive dentistry | 2013 | 514 | 0 | |||
Effect of different bonding strategies on the marginal adaptation of class I silorane restorations | American journal of dentistry | 2013 | 451 | 0 | |||
In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation after occlusal stressing of indirect class II composite restorations with different resinous bases and interface treatments. "Post-fatigue adaptation of indirect composite restorations" | Clinical oral investigations | 2012 | 666 | 439 | |||
Supragingival relocation of subgingivally located margins for adhesive inlays/onlays with different materials | Journal of adhesive dentistry | 2012 | 607 | 3 | |||
Accuracy of electronic apex locater-controlled handpieces | Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontics | 2009 | 550 | 0 |