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1 - 20 of 20
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Situational Judgement Tests among Palestinian community members and Red Crescent volunteers to inform humanitarian action: a cross-sectional studyArchives of public health
2024 3 4
Psychological determinants of consumption of reusable containers for takeaway food and drinksWaste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy
2023 24 15
Collective Behaviours: Mediation Mechanisms Underlying the Influence of Descriptive and Injunctive NormsInternational review of social psychology
2023 43 12
Sexual and reproductive health: how can situational judgment tests help assess the norm and identify target groups? A field study in Sierra LeoneFrontiers in psychology
2022 123 94
Does a low-cost act of support produce slacktivism or commitment? Prosocial and impression-management motives as moderatorsFrontiers in psychology
2022 231 69
Adoption of organic waste sorting behavior at home: who recycles and which barriers exist for non-recyclers? A representative surveyEnvironmental challenges
2022 207 44
Are consumers consistent in their sustainable behaviours? A longitudinal study on consistency and spilloverJournal of business research
2022 139 65
How to increase first‐time donors' returns? The postdonation letter's content can make a differenceTransfusion
2022 166 60
Cessation rates from a national collective social network smoking cessation programme: results from the ‘I quit smoking with Facebook on March 21' Swiss programmeTobacco Control
2021 152 3
Fear appeals to promote better health behaviors: an investigation of potential mediatorsHealth Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
2021 146 98
Social psychological correlates of protective behaviours in the COVID‐19 outbreak: evidence and recommendations from a nationally representative sampleApplied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
2020 122 1
Do environmental prompts work the same for everyone? A test of environmental attitudes as a moderatorFrontiers in Psychology
2020 131 136
Socio-demographic and motivational correlates of smoking status at term and postpartumHealth Psychology Report[]
2020 161 64
Examining if sending text messages to thank blood donors for saving lives is a “great idea”? Evidence from a randomized field experimentJournal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
2019 128 0
Approches décisionnelles et dilemmes sociaux: études empiriques et proposition d'un modèle intégratif
2017 644 25
"Being green is worthless if others are not": the effect of descriptive norms on pro-environmental behaviour is mediated by outcome expectancyPsyecology
2017 212 2
“Save lives” arguments might not be as effective as you think: A randomized field experiment on blood donationTransfusion clinique et biologique
2016 437 411
Act local but don't think too global: The impact of ecological goal level on behaviorThe Journal of social psychology
2016 495 387
Validation française de l'Inventaire d'Attitudes EnvironnementalesRevue européenne de psychologie appliquée
2016 890 1 411
Effet de l'amorçage du vieillissement sur l'effort mental
2012 307 28
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