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1 - 16 of 16
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Patient acceptance of translation technology for medical dialogues in emergency situationsTranslating Crises
2023 385 207
An Albanian Text-to-Speech System for the BabelDr Medical Speech TranslatorDigital Personalized Health and Medicine
2020 787 158
Traduction interlinguistique et intersémiotique : le cas de la langue des signesActes Sémiotiques
2018 589 297
Translating fear into reality, from a Semiotic perspective – A short story, a film and a village: the case of Sleepy HollowIntersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition: Saying Almost the Same Thing?
2017 394 100
Expliciter l'implicite en traduction: pour qui et à quel degré?Autour des formes implicites
2017 983 0
News Translation: Text analysis, fieldwork, surveyEmpirical modelling of translation and interpreting
2017 669 347
Traduire : signes, textes, pratiques = Translating: Signs, Texts, PracticesSignata : Annales des sémiotiques = Annals of Semiotics
2016 424 61
A Model for Defining the Concept and Practice of Translation, from the Perspective of Greimassian SemioticsTTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction
2016 428 5
[Review of:] Miller, Donna R. & Monti, Enrico (dir.). (2014). Tradurre figure – translating figurative language. Bologna : Bonomia University PressParallèles
2016 467 89
On the concept of translation: A perspective based on Greimassian semioticsSemiotica
2015 472 2
Approche sémiotique à la traduction pour le grand publicParallèles
2015 461 322
Translation is a Delicate Dance: Unpredictable Trajectories in Normative Environments. Anticipative and Configurative Translational Practice for National GeographicIntersemiosis: (un)predictability versus (un)translatability
2015 404 54
Who said it? Voices in news translation, from a semiotic perspectiveSemiotica
2015 463 0
Explicitness-Implicitness: Translation Strategies and Text TypologiesTranslation, transnationalism, world literature : essays in translation studies, 2010-2014
2015 422 6
Traduttologia e semiotica generativa : per un nuovo approccio interdisciplinare
2014 432 155
Traduttologia e semiotica greimasiana: un nuovo orizzonte interdisciplinare
2013 1,185 63
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