Davier, Lucile
Affiliation entities
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The field diary as a resource for (auto)ethnographies of translation and interpreting | Field Research in Translation and Interpreting | 2025 | 116 | 0 | |||
Studying indirect translation: a conversation with and between L. Davier, M. Marin-Lacarta and F. Pöchhacker | Perspectives: studies in translation theory and practice | 2023 | 39 | 28 | |||
Translating News | The Cambridge Handbook of Translation | 2022 | 49 | 1 | |||
'People have probably offered to buy me a dictionary 20 times since I've been here': Risk management within a community of journalists in francophone Canada | The journal of specialised translation | 2022 | 259 | 104 | |||
Translational phenomena in the news | Target | 2022 | 58 | 164 | |||
Translation in the news agencies | The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media | 2021 | 58 | 6 | |||
Journalism and translation in the era of convergence | 2019 | 25 | 0 | ||||
Chapter 8. Technological convergence threatening translation | Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence | 2019 | 32 | 1 | |||
Chapter 3. News translation on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s English and French websites | Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence | 2019 | 26 | 1 | |||
The moving boundaries of news translation | Slovo.ru: baltijskij akcent | 2019 | 29 | 13 | |||
Translation without a source text: methodological issues in news translation | Across Languages and Cultures | 2018 | 461 | 11 | |||
The methodological remainder in news translation research: outlining the background | Across Languages and Cultures | 2018 | 473 | 8 | |||
[Review of :] Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, Liisa Tiitula & Maarit Koponen, eds. Communities in Translation and Interpreting (Vita Traductiva). Montréal: Éditions québécoises de l'oeuvre, 2017. 280 pp | Target | 2018 | 424 | 3 | |||
Les enjeux de la traduction dans les agences de presse | 2017 | 491 | 249 | ||||
‘Cultural translation' in news agencies? A plea to broaden the definition of translation | Perspectives | 2015 | 1 032 | 6 | |||
The paradoxical invisibility of translation in the highly multilingual context of news agencies | Global Media and Communication | 2014 | 841 | 8 | |||
Le rôle du transfert interlinguistique et interculturel dans la coconstitution d'un problème public par les agences de presse : le cas de la votation antiminarets | 2013 | 1 182 | 145 | ||||
Légitimité ou illégitimité de la traduction dans les agences de presse ? | Forum : International Journal of Interpretation and Translation | 2012 | 990 | 57 | |||
Polyphonie dans le discours journalistique : une étude comparative de la presse anglophone et francophone | A. sp. Anglais de spécialité | 2009 | 1 390 | 27 | |||
Traduire un attentat terroriste qui n'a pas eu lieu : analyse contrastive d'un corpus comparable anglais-français | 2008 | 557 | 71 |