Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The Geneva affective picture database (GAPED): a new 730-picture database focusing on valence and normative significance | Behavior Research Methods | 2011 | 1 022 | 627 | |||
Neuronal Processes Involved in Subjective Feeling Emergence: Oscillatory Activity During an Emotional Monitoring Task | Brain Topography | 2008 | 351 | 166 | |||
What determines a feeling's position in affective space? A case for appraisal | Cognition and Emotion | 2006 | 474 | 0 | |||
Trait Anxiety Affects the Appraisal of novel Stimuli: Evidence from an EMG Recording Over the Zygomatic Region | Psychophysiology | 2006 | 434 | 51 | |||
On using RT and facial EMG to examine the temporal sequence of novelty and valence appraisal | Psychophysiology | 2005 | 379 | 127 |