Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Effect of selective and distributed training on visual identification of orientation | Experimental Brain Research | 2010 | 336 | 199 | |||
Velocity control in Parkinson's disease: a quantitative analysis of isochrony in scribbling movements | Experimental brain research | 2009 | 503 | 295 | |||
Factors affecting the size of the detour effect in the kinaesthetic perception of Euclidean distance | Experimental Brain Research | 2005 | 317 | 208 | |||
Planning short pointing sequences | Experimental Brain Research | 2005 | 283 | 193 | |||
Amplitude and direction errors in kinesthetic pointing | Experimental Brain Research | 2004 | 327 | 214 | |||
The kinaesthetic perception of Euclidean distance: a study of the detour effect | Experimental Brain Research | 2003 | 262 | 246 | |||
Perceptuo-motor compatibility in pursuit tracking of two-dimensional movements | Journal of Motor Behavior | 1990 | 522 | 503 | |||
Visuo-manual pursuit tracking of human two-dimensional movements | Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance | 1987 | 583 | 0 | |||
Development of Visuomanual Tracking in 5- to 9-Year-Old Boys | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology | 1985 | 640 | 945 | |||
Motor strategies in lifting movements: A comparison of adult and children performance | Journal of Motor Behavior | 1983 | 589 | 388 |