Article scientifique
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Redesigning Culture: Chinese Characters in Alphabet-Encoded Networks

Contributeurs/tricesZimmermann, Basileorcid
Publié dansDesign and culture, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 27-43
Date de publication2010

This paper discuss the difference between two ideas of what written language can be–the Roman alphabet versus Chinese characters–and what happens when this difference is embodied in everyday devices such as computers or mobile phones in the People's Republic of China today. The article's main argument is that this highly contrasted opposition brings to light an alternative to the problem of the concept of “culture,” in the specific context of the design and use of artifacts, if we consider it as being related to a specific set of phenomena characterized by the presence of lower-level cultural elements.

  • Culture
  • Design
  • Technology
  • Actor-network
  • Chinese script
  • Roman alphabet
  • Pinyin
  • Domain Name System
Groupe de recherche
Citation (format ISO)
ZIMMERMANN, Basile. Redesigning Culture: Chinese Characters in Alphabet-Encoded Networks. In: Design and culture, 2010, vol. 2, n° 1, p. 27–43. doi: 10.2752/175470710X12593419555126
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Accepted version)
ISSN du journal1754-7075

Informations techniques

Création23/09/2016 12:10:00
Première validation23/09/2016 12:10:00
Heure de mise à jour29/08/2023 06:23:45
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Dernière indexation16/01/2024 21:54:54
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