
The Translator, The Company, and the Corporate Language : The Changing Role of English Translators in the Corporate World

Contributeurs/tricesCabardos, Anique-Marie
Directeurs/tricesGrin, François
Dénomination du masterMaîtrise universitaire en Traduction : Mention Traduction spécialisée
Date de soutenance2013

A look at the changing role of translators in the English-dominated corporate world, with a case study on the rebranding of PricewaterhouseCoopers to PwC. Emphasis is placed on how translators must adapt to the changing job market and suggestions are given for how translators can better position their team to be more visible in the company. The editing work on an English template for PwC to make it "verbal identity compliant" is outlined in the final section.

Citation (format ISO)
CABARDOS, Anique-Marie. The Translator, The Company, and the Corporate Language : The Changing Role of English Translators in the Corporate World. 2013.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:33081

Informations techniques

Création18.12.2013 11:38:00
Première validation18.12.2013 11:38:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 20:50:00
Changement de statut14.03.2023 20:50:00
Dernière indexation29.01.2024 20:02:53
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