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Angular Momentum Transport in Stellar Interiors

Contributeurs/tricesMoyano, Facundo Davidorcid
Nombre de pages160
Date d'imprimatur2024
Date de soutenance2024

In this work I studied the internal rotation of stars in different evolutionary phases by using numerical tools and observational results to improve the physics of stellar evolution models. Nowadays, it is possible to measure the rotational velocities in the deep interiors of stars. This is possible thanks to techniques from asteroseismology, the discipline that studies the internal structure of stars through their oscillations. Several measurements of the internal rotation rates of stars obtained with asteroseismic techniques in the last decade showed that our understanding of the physical processes affecting the internal rotational velocities in stars is incomplete. In my work I studied the different physical processes that could bring the models into agreement with data, among which I focused on the physics of internal magnetic fields.

  • Stars
  • Rotation
  • Magnetic
  • Numerical
  • Asteroseismology
  • Pulsations
  • Evolution
Citation (format ISO)
MOYANO, Facundo David. Angular Momentum Transport in Stellar Interiors. 2024. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:178915
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Informations techniques

Création23/07/2024 13:16:26
Première validation24/07/2024 10:09:58
Heure de mise à jour24/07/2024 10:09:58
Changement de statut24/07/2024 10:09:58
Dernière indexation24/07/2024 10:10:17
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