Working paper
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Nothing new under the sun: the so-called ‘growth model perspective’

Contributeurs/tricesAmable, Bruno
Nombre de pages21
Maison d'éditionBerlin
  • Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper; 195/2022
  • Berlin School of Economics
Date de publication2022-11
Date de mise en ligne2022-11

Recent contributions in comparative political economy have made much of the ‘growth model perspective’, presenting it as a way to ‘rethink political economy’. This paper argues that the origins of the growth model approach can be found in contributions by Michel Freyssenet made in the framework of GERPISA (Groupe d’étude et de recherche permanent sur l’industrie et les salariés de l’automobile) in the 1990s/2000. By presenting the contributions and limitations of Freyssenet’s approach, it is possible to establish how contemporary growth model approaches fail to establish a solid link between political economy and heterodox macroeconomics. It appears that an approach that starts from the differentiation of interests of social groups and takes into account the autonomy of politics has more potential to achieve this task, allowing to recover the inspiration of Kalecki’s 1943 article on the political limits to economic policy.

  • French Theory of Régulation
  • Growth models
  • Accumulation regimes
  • Political economy
Citation (format ISO)
AMABLE, Bruno. Nothing new under the sun: the so-called ‘growth model perspective’. 2022
Fichiers principaux (1)
Working paper
  • PID : unige:165529

Informations techniques

Création05/12/2022 05:50:00
Première validation05/12/2022 05:50:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 10:09:50
Changement de statut16/03/2023 10:09:49
Dernière indexation01/02/2024 09:15:49
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