Scientific article

Evidence of late Palaeozoic and Middle Triassic magmatism in the Sakar-Strandzha Zone, SE Bulgaria: Regional geodynamic implications

Published inInternational Geology Review, vol. 64, no. 9, p. 1199-1225
Publication date2022

Late Paleozoic granitoids, meta-granitoids and meta-volcanic rocks predominate in the metamorphic basement of the northern and western parts of the Sakar-Strandzha Zone (SASTZ) in southeast Bulgaria, together with subsidiaryTriassic rocks of the same nature. Generally, igneous minerals and textures are preserved, except the meta-granitoids and meta-volcanic rocks that experienced a low- to high-grade metamorphic overprint. The volcanic rocks have a peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline composition, and the granitoids range between I- to S-type compositions, typical of volcanic arcs and syn-collisional settings. LILE and LREE-enrichment and Nb-Ta anomalies characterize the intrusive and extrusive rock suites. U-Pb zircon geochronology has yielded crystallization ages between 245 and 230 Ma for the majority of the studied igneous rocks, and between 297 and 281 Ma for a small group of igneous rocks. Early Permian and Middle Triassic igneous suites of the northern and western SASTZ have similar compositions and a similar tectonic setting when compared to Late Carboniferous-Early Permian intrusive and extrusive suites of the adjacent Sakar unit of the SASTZ, confirming a common regional late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic tectono-magmatic event. As the Late Carboniferous-Permian to Middle Triassic magmatic arc components extend across the SASTZ, they trace the time-correspondent active continental margin along the Eurasian plate during subduction of the Paleotethys oceanic lithosphere. The late Paleozoic Eurasian active continental margin magmatic arc evolution of the SASTZ can be linked with the Serbo-Macedonian-Rhodope zones to the southwest, where coeval meta-granitoids document the same geodynamic context. By contrast, the Triassic igneous suite of the SASTZ is unrelated to the Serbo-Macedonian-Rhodope zones, where Triassic meta-ophiolite and meta-granitoids record Neotethys rifting.

  • Geochemistry
  • U-Pb geochronology
  • Sakar-Strandzha zone
  • Bulgaria
Citation (ISO format)
BONEV, Nikolay et al. Evidence of late Palaeozoic and Middle Triassic magmatism in the Sakar-Strandzha Zone, SE Bulgaria: Regional geodynamic implications. In: International Geology Review, 2022, vol. 64, n° 9, p. 1199–1225. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2021.1917008
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Article (Published version)
ISSN of the journal0020-6814

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