Article scientifique

An increase in retractions of research publications is an issue for Medical Physics

Publié dansMedical Physics, vol. 48, no. 3, p. 927-930
Date de publication2021

Medical physics can be one of the most rewarding applications of physics in day-to-day society's life. Hence, translational research in this particular field attracts a lot of interest given its potential impact on the delivery of patient care. The credibility of scientific discoveries and research outcomes reported in the scientific literature is driven by confidence in the integrity of scientists performing this research. However, scientific misconduct often blackens the image of scientific research and negatively impacts the faith society has in science.

Citation (format ISO)
BALDOCK, Clive, BASRAN, Parminder S, ZAIDI, Habib. An increase in retractions of research publications is an issue for Medical Physics. In: Medical Physics, 2021, vol. 48, n° 3, p. 927–930. doi: 10.1002/mp.14550
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
ISSN du journal0094-2405

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Création20/11/2020 20:38:00
Première validation20/11/2020 20:38:00
Heure de mise à jour16/03/2023 00:02:02
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