Article scientifique

On Insituness and (very) low Wh-Positions: The Case of Trevigiano

Contributeurs/tricesBonan, Caterina
Publié dansGenerative Grammar in Geneva, vol. 11, p. 21-41
Date de publication2018

The goal of this paper is to show that in Trevigiano, a Romance dialect of the Venetan area, ‘insituness' is actually an instance of wh-movement targeting a TP-internal focal position, whP (‘little whP'). This is true not only in matrix but also in embedded question, where wh-phrases are licensed under two specialized embedding COMPs, ‘che' and ‘se'. These properties make ‘insituness' in Trevigiano incompatible with remnant-IP movement à la Poletto and Pollock (2015, and previous related works) and call for a different analysis, thus raising a number of questions on the intrinsic nature of ‘optional insituness' in Romance.

Citation (format ISO)
BONAN, Caterina. On Insituness and (very) low Wh-Positions: The Case of Trevigiano. In: Generative Grammar in Geneva, 2018, vol. 11, p. 21–41. doi: 10.13097/unige:120457
ISSN du journal2504-4427

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Première validation08/07/2019 15:17:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 17:45:05
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