Article scientifique

Constituency preferences and MP preferences: the electoral connection

Contributeurs/tricesMartin, Danielle; Hug, Simonorcid
Publié dansParty Politics, vol. 26, no. 5, p. 619-627
Date de publication2020

The question how voter preferences relate to preferences of representatives under different electoral rules has attracted scholarly attention for some time. Although theoretical work suggests that proportional rule leads to more dispersion of representatives than plurality rule, empirical studies of this nexus have not yet reached a consensus. We argue that this is because they are plagued by serious problems as they rely on measures that differ for both sets of actors. We use behavioral data to estimate ideal points of voters and representatives on a common scale by taking advantage of the high frequency of referendums in Switzerland. We find that MPs elected in proportional representation systems are more widely dispersed around the median voter. Probing at what stage this difference in dispersion occurs, we also demonstrate this is the voters' doing, as it only applies to candidates that are elected.

  • Représentation
  • Parlementaires
  • Système électoral
  • Swiss National Science Foundation - Parliamentary decisions. Electoral considerations, party pressure and strategic calculations
Citation (format ISO)
MARTIN, Danielle, HUG, Simon. Constituency preferences and MP preferences: the electoral connection. In: Party Politics, 2020, vol. 26, n° 5, p. 619–627.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Submitted version)
  • PID : unige:107030
ISSN du journal1354-0688

Informations techniques

Création09/08/2018 10:36:00
Première validation09/08/2018 10:36:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 08:30:21
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