
Determination of antipsychotic drugs and mood stabilizers cotreatments at greater risks of weight gain: analysis in two clinical cohorts

Contributeurs/tricesPelloni, Lisa
Directeurs/tricesEap, Chin Bin
Dénomination du masterMaster en Pharmacie
Date de soutenance2017

Schizophrenic, bipolar and depressive patients represent a psychiatric population at greater risk of metabolic syndrome and experience diabetes and obesity at twice the rate that the general population does. Hence, individuals with serious mental illness have 20% shorter lifespan compared to the general population1. Elevation in cardiovascular mortality, which represents the leading cause of death, has been reported for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as illustrated in S1 Figure 2. The association between cardiovascular risk and bipolar disorder is comparable to the association between cardiovascular risk and schizophrenia3. Cardiovascular diseases are an ultimate consequence of all the factors co-occurring in these psychiatric diseases, including pharmacological treatments, the lifestyle of patients but also genetic and physiological factors.

Citation (format ISO)
PELLONI, Lisa. Determination of antipsychotic drugs and mood stabilizers cotreatments at greater risks of weight gain: analysis in two clinical cohorts. 2017.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:102252

Informations techniques

Création05/10/2017 09:49:00
Première validation05/10/2017 09:49:00
Heure de mise à jour30/03/2023 10:52:36
Changement de statut30/03/2023 10:52:36
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 21:22:48
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