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Cultural diversity without the state: How can a society based upon anarcho-capitalist libertarianism create a better environment for cultural diversity than the multicultural democratic state?

Contributeurs/tricesVouillamoz, Michael
Directeurs/tricesGianni, Matteoorcid
Dénomination du masterMaster en science politique
Date de soutenance2018

An intellectual journey dedicated to investigating (state) multiculturalism and the multicultural democratic state in order to theorize an anarcho-capitalist libertarian approach to the phenomenon of cultural diversity imperative to the former two motivated primarily by the unsettling and increasing lack of separation between culture and politics in the Western world. Prior to this, one had entertained the idea of tackling the political puzzle of the rise of political correctness and the related erosion of the freedom of expression as noted by Trevor Phillips in his documentary. The increased presence of politically incorrect and controversial personalities, however, in the political and cultural landscape of the Western world has not brought about a more tolerant climate for objectionable ideas nor a greater degree of diversity of opinions being debated in a civilized manner. Instead, the conflict between different political and cultural groups with distinct identities continues to escalate.

  • Libertarianism
  • Anarcho-capitalism
  • Multiculturalism
  • Multiculturalisme
  • Culture
  • Diversity
  • Cultural diversity
  • Diversité culturelle
Citation (format ISO)
VOUILLAMOZ, Michael. Cultural diversity without the state: How can a society based upon anarcho-capitalist libertarianism create a better environment for cultural diversity than the multicultural democratic state? 2018.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:102208

Informations techniques

Création26/01/2018 18:28:00
Première validation26/01/2018 18:28:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 07:52:13
Changement de statut15/03/2023 07:52:12
Dernière indexation12/02/2024 12:49:31
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