Article scientifique
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Relation of 24-hour urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions with self-reported consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages in the general population

Publié dansNutrition & Metabolism, vol. 13, 81
Date de publication2016

Caffeine intake is generally estimated by self-reported consumption, but it remains unclear how well self-report associates with metabolite urinary excretion. We investigated the associations of self-reported consumption of caffeinated drinks with urinary excretion of caffeine and its major metabolites in an adult population.

Citation (format ISO)
PETROVIC, Dusan et al. Relation of 24-hour urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions with self-reported consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages in the general population. In: Nutrition & Metabolism, 2016, vol. 13, p. 81. doi: 10.1186/s12986-016-0144-4
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
ISSN du journal1743-7075

Informations techniques

Création20/11/2017 18:06:00
Première validation20/11/2017 18:06:00
Heure de mise à jour30/03/2023 10:51:00
Changement de statut30/03/2023 10:50:59
Dernière indexation17/01/2024 01:49:33
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