Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Editorial: Special Issue on Robustness Dedicated to Elvezio Ronchetti and Peter Rousseeuw | Econometrics and statistics | 2024 | 22 | 0 | |||
Review and comparison of measures of explained variation and model selection in linear mixed-effects models | Econometrics and statistics | 2024 | 293 | 70 | |||
Spatiotemporal modelling of Greenland halibut maturation across the Northwest Atlantic | ICES journal of marine science | 2023 | 57 | 0 | |||
Robust polytomous logistic regression | Computational statistics & data analysis | 2022 | 178 | 46 | |||
Spatiotemporal modeling of mature‐at‐length data using a sliding window approach | EnvironMetrics | 2022 | 121 | 0 | |||
Spatiotemporal modeling of bycatch data: methods and a practical guide through a case study in a canadian arctic fishery | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2022 | 190 | 0 | |||
Modelling the extremes of seasonal viruses and hospital congestion: The example of flu in a Swiss hospital | Journal of the Royall Statistical Society, Series C (Applied statistics) | 2022 | 239 | 74 | |||
The associations of implant and patient factors with migration of the tibial component differ by sex | The bone & joint journal | 2022 | 160 | 1 | |||
Parametric and semi-parametric bootstrap-based confidence intervals for robust linear mixed models | Methodology (Göttingen. Internet) | 2021 | 173 | 177 | |||
Robust fitting for generalized additive models for location, scale and shape | Statistics and Computing | 2021 | 332 | 0 | |||
Semiparametric inference with missing data: robustness to outliers and model misspecification | Econometrics and statistics | 2020 | 290 | 1 | |||
Robust estimation for discrete‐time state space models | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics | 2020 | 295 | 0 | |||
Bootstrap estimation of uncertainty in prediction for generalized linear mixed models | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | 2019 | 1 139 | 3 | |||
Stochastic variable selection strategies for zero-inflated models | Statistical modelling | 2018 | 529 | 0 | |||
A random-effects hurdle model for predicting bycatch of endangered marine species | The Annals of Applied Statistics | 2017 | 578 | 244 | |||
Saddlepoint tests for accurate and robust inference on overdispersed count data | Computational statistics & data analysis | 2017 | 614 | 0 | |||
Bootstrap estimation of uncertainty in prediction for generalized linear mixed models | 2017 | 569 | 406 | ||||
Robust hedonic price indexes | International journal of housing markets and analysis | 2016 | 593 | 0 | |||
Régression linéaire robuste | Méthodes robustes en statistique | 2015 | 622 | 0 | |||
Le modèle linéaire généralisé (GLM) robuste | Méthodes robustes en statistique | 2015 | 649 | 0 | |||
Nonlinear Growth Curve Models | Dependent Data in Social Sciences Research | 2015 | 633 | 3 | |||
Robust state space models for estimating fish stock maturities | Canadian journal of statistics | 2015 | 545 | 2 | |||
Robust inference in the negative binomial regression model with an application to falls data | Biometrics | 2014 | 1 018 | 15 | |||
Robust Repeat Sales Indexes | Real estate economics | 2013 | 650 | 0 | |||
Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models with Flexible Distribution of Latent Variables | Scandinavian journal of statistics | 2012 | 657 | 0 | |||
Pain as an important predictor of psychosocial health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis | Arthritis care & research | 2012 | 614 | 0 | |||
A Non-Gaussian Spatial Generalized Linear Latent Variable Model | Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics | 2012 | 622 | 0 | |||
A robust version of the hurdlemodel | Journal of statistical planning and inference | 2011 | 633 | 0 | |||
Variable selection in additive models by non-negative garrote | Statistical modelling | 2011 | 679 | 0 | |||
Predicting House Prices with Spatial Dependence: Impact of Alternatives Submarkets Definitions | Journal of Real Estate Research | 2010 | 624 | 0 | |||
Extracting long-term patterns of population changes from sporadic counts of migrant birds | EnvironMetrics | 2010 | 605 | 0 | |||
Robust Methods in Biostatistics | 2009 | 664 | 0 | ||||
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique | 2009 | 1 704 | 2 | ||||
Predicting House Prices with Spatial Dependence: Impacts of Alternative Submarket Definitions | 2008 | 774 | 669 | ||||
Spatial Dependence, Housing Submarkets and House Price Prediction | 2007 | 1 064 | 1 638 | ||||
Longitudinal variable selection by cross-validation in the case of many covariates | Statistics in medicine | 2007 | 638 | 1 | |||
Spatial Dependence, Housing Submarkets, and House Price Prediction | Journal of real estate finance and economics | 2007 | 626 | 0 | |||
A robust approach for skewed and heavy-tailed outcomes in the analysis of health care expenditures | Journal of health economics | 2006 | 555 | 0 | |||
Between-breed variability of stillbirth and its relationship with sow and piglet characteristics | Journal of animal science | 2006 | 592 | 0 | |||
Temperature related mortality and ambulance service interventions during the heat waves of 2003 in Ticino (Switzerland) | Sozial- und Präventivmedizin | 2006 | 642 | 3 | |||
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique | 2006 | 1 523 | 0 | ||||
Non-parametric adjustment for covariates when estimating a treatment effect | Journal of nonparametric statistics | 2006 | 604 | 0 | |||
Variable Selection for Marginal Longitudinal Generalized Linear Models | Biometrics | 2005 | 661 | 5 | |||
Resistant Nonparametric Smoothing with S-PLUS | Journal of Statistical Software | 2004 | 558 | 1 | |||
A robust approach to longitudinal data analysis | Canadian journal of statistics | 2004 | 603 | 2 | |||
Analysis of Robust Quasi-Deviances for Generalized Linear Models | Journal of Statistical Software | 2004 | 589 | 0 | |||
Robust Inference Based on Quasi-Likelihoods for Generalized Linear Models and Longitudinal Data | Developments in Robust Statistics. International Conference on Robust Statistics 2001 | 2003 | 567 | 0 | |||
Degrees-of-freedom tests for smoothing splines | Biometrika | 2002 | 856 | 738 | |||
Robust Inference for Generalized Linear Models | Journal of the American Statistical Association | 2001 | 856 | 1 216 | |||
Resistant Selection of the Smoothing Parameter for Smoothing Splines | Statistics and computing | 2001 | 747 | 389 | |||
Resistant techniques for nonparametric regression, generalized linear and additive models | 1999 | 838 | 0 |