Supervised works
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1 - 119 of 119
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Perceived Biological Bases of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Prejudice: The Moderating Role of Gender and Religious BeliefsArchives of sexual behavior
2024 24 11
National gender equality and sex differences in Machiavellianism across countriesInternational journal of personality psychology
2024 22 25
Reducing the gender gap on adolescents’ interest in study fields: The impact of perceived changes in ingroup gender norms and gender prototypicalitySocial psychology of education
2024 43 36
Inclusive social norms and nationals’ positive intergroup orientations toward refugees: The moderating role of initial prejudice and intergroup contactGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
2023 109 61
Disentangling Gender-Based Attitudes from Sexuality-Based Attitude: The Person-Based Approach to Measuring Implicit Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbian WomenJournal of homosexuality
2023 129 79
Men’s Gender Norms and Gender-Hierarchy-Legitimizing Ideologies: The Effect of Priming Traditional Masculinity Versus a Feminization of Men’s NormsGender issues
2023 185 91
Overcoming Social Interactions Stress During COVID-19 Lockdown: The Role of Individuals’ Mobility and Online Emotional SupportThe International migration review
2023 14 22
Cohabitation with a smoker and efficacy of cessation programmes: the mediating role of the theory of planned behaviourPsychology & health
2022 135 44
Retribution versus rehabilitation as motives for support of offender’s punishment: the moderating role of mindsets about malleabilityComprehensive results in social psychology
2022 275 744
Regulatory focus and self-licensing dynamics: a motivational account of behavioural consistency and balancingJournal of environmental psychology
2022 103 83
Legitimacy of authority and protest actions in response to collective disadvantagesSocial justice research
2021 122 32
Cessation rates from a national collective social network smoking cessation programme: results from the ‘I quit smoking with Facebook on March 21' Swiss programmeTobacco Control
2021 169 3
Is traditional masculinity still valued? Men's perceptions of how different reference groups value traditional masculinity normsThe Journal of Men's Studies
2021 230 150
Tobacco dependence and motivation to quit smoking: an identity-based framework ( Adicción al tabaco y motivación para dejar de fumar: una perspectiva identitaria )International Journal of Social Psychology
2021 29 135
Overcoming negative reactions to prosocial intergroup behaviors in post-conflict societies: the power of intergroup apologyJournal of experimental social psychology
2021 157 349
The Impact of Masculinity Beliefs and Political Ideologies on Men’s Backlash Against Non-Traditional Men: The Moderating Role of Perceived Men’s FeminizationInternational review of social psychology
2021 171 169
Gay-gender expression and attitudes toward gay people: the moderating role of perceived men's feminizationPsychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
2020 394 1
Les médias jouent un rôle essentiel sur les réactions vis-à-vis de la politique migratoire de l’UDCnccr – on the move
2020 47 14
Outgroup prejudice and perceptions of prosocial intergroup behaviorsEuropean Journal of Social Psychology
2020 404 1
“How can you help me if you are not from here?” Helper's familiarity with the context shapes interpretations of prosocial intergroup behaviorsJournal of Experimental Social Psychology
2020 267 1
Heterosexual men's attitudes towards homosexuality and ingroup distinctiveness: the role of perceived men's feminisationPsychology & Sexuality
2020 276 4
Les médias jouent un rôle essentiel sur les réactions vis-à-vis de la politique migratoire de l’UDCBlog "nccr – on the move"
2020 46 11
Beyond direct contact: the theoretical and societal relevance of indirect contact for improving intergroup relationsJournal of social issues
2020 157 268
Accounting for the Consequences of Tobacco Dependence on Cravings, Self-efficacy, and Motivation to Quit: Consideration of Identity ConcernsThe Spanish journal of psychology
2020 32 41
Beyond direct contact: the theoretical and societal relevance of indirect contact for improving intergroup relationsJournal of Social Issues
2020 239 42
Tobacco dependence and smoking cessation: The mediating role of smoker and ex-smoker self-conceptsAddictive behaviors
2020 41 79
The interplay between social dominance orientation and intergroup contact in explaining support for multiculturalismJournal of applied social psychology
2019 50 1
Perceived Men’s Feminization and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Heterosexual Men’s Reactions to the Decline of the Anti-Femininity Norm of MasculinitySex roles
2019 41 119
Smoker identity and resistance to antismoking campaigns: The role of group entitativityGroup processes & intergroup relations
2019 51 81
When does self-identity predict intention to act green? A self-completion account relying on past behaviour and majority-minority support for pro-environmental valuesJournal of environmental psychology
2019 50 187
Moral Credentials, Intergroup Attitudes, and Regulatory Focus Interactively Affect Support for Affirmative ActionThe Spanish journal of psychology
2019 32 1
How many migrants are people willing to welcome into their country? The effect of numerical anchoring on migrants’ acceptanceJournal of applied social psychology
2019 41 68
Flags on fire: Consequences of a national symbol’s desecration for intergroup relationsGroup processes & intergroup relations
2019 29 167
Intergroup contact moderates the influence of social norms on prejudiceGroup processes & intergroup relations
2019 49 65
Heterogeneity of Ingroup Identity and Anti-Immigrant Prejudice: The Moderating Role of RWA and Outgroup HomogeneityInternational review of social psychology
2018 58 242
Is regulatory focus related to minimal and maximal standards? Depends on how you ask!European journal of social psychology
2018 33 54
Motivation to Maintain a Nonprejudiced IdentitySocial psychology
2018 44 1
The English Version of the Attitudes Toward Homosexuality ScaleSwiss journal of psychology
2018 28 274
Procesos de influencia socialPsicología de los grupos
2018 235 3,729
Editorial: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, the Goddesses who did Not Want to Solve ConflictInternational review of social psychology
2018 30 14
Collective Apologies Moderate the Effects of Justice Concerns on Support for Collective PunishmentSocial psychology
2017 41 100
Assessing Private and Public Need for Uniqueness: Validation of French Versions of the Need for Uniqueness (NfU) and Self-Attributed Need for Uniqueness (SANU) ScalesJournal of personality assessment
2017 48 1
Ingroup Identification Increases Differentiation in Response to Egalitarian Ingroup Norm under Distinctiveness ThreatInternational review of social psychology
2017 31 19
Compensation and consistency effects in proenvironmental behaviour: The moderating role of majority and minority support for proenvironmental valuesGroup processes & intergroup relations
2017 41 111
Minority influenceThe Oxford Handbook of Social Influence
2016 274 80
Masculinity and sexual prejudice: a matter of heterosexual men's need to differentiate themselves from women and gay menGender and social hierarchies: perspectives from social psychology
2016 216 1
The side effect of egalitarian norms: Reactive group distinctiveness, biological essentialism, and sexual prejudiceGroup processes & intergroup relations
2015 48 158
Collective punishment depends on collective responsibility and political organization of the target groupJournal of experimental social psychology
2015 42 1
In the name of democracy: The value of democracy explains leniency towards wrongdoings as a function of group political organizationEuropean journal of social psychology
2015 42 0
Perceived Similarity With Gay Men Mediates the Effect of Antifemininity on Heterosexual Men’s Antigay PrejudiceJournal of homosexuality
2015 39 44
Global value perceptions: The legitimising functions of western representations of democracyEuropean journal of social psychology
2015 32 0
Egalitarianism and Sexual Prejudice: the Role of Ingroup Distinctiveness MotivesThe Spanish journal of psychology
2015 37 1
Maintaining distinctions under threat: Heterosexual men endorse the biological theory of sexuality when equality is the normBritish journal of social psychology
2014 32 98
Conformity and counter-conformity to anti-discrimination norms: the moderating effect of attitude toward foreigners and perceived in-group threatJournal of applied social psychology
2013 32 86
Antismoking norm and smokers' antismoking attitudes: The interplay between personal and group-based self-esteemEuropean journal of social psychology
2013 46 48
Understanding attitudes towards immigrants: the double edge of heterogeneous national identities and egalitarian norms on attitudes towards immigrantsPsicología política
2013 82 36
Social psychological factors of post-mortem organ donation: a theoretical review of determinants and promotion strategiesHealth psychology review
2012 822 8
Democracy as Justification for Waging War: The Role of Public SupportSocial psychological & personality science
2012 577 0
Do all lives have the same value ? Support for international military interventions as a function of political system and public opinion of target statesGroup processes & intergroup relations
2012 529 0
Threatening Intergroup Relationships: Personal Versus Group-Related Moderators of Conformity as a Function of the Level of Self-CategorizationSocial psychology
2011 584 6
Menaces identitaires dans la transmission des connaissancesL'évaluation, une menace ?
2011 648 6
A regulatory fit perspective in majority versus minority support to attitudes toward homosexualsGroup processes & intergroup relations
2011 654 5
Regulatory focus, self-directed emotions, and intergroup attitudesRevue internationale de psychologie sociale
2011 126 0
Gender-Role's Attitude, Perceived Similarity, and Sexual Prejudice against Gay MenThe Spanish journal of psychology
2010 620 574
Predicting gender awareness: the relevance of neo-sexismJournal of gender studies
2010 631 0
Déterminants psychosociaux de l'efficacité des campagnes de promotion du don d'organesEmouvoir et persuader pour promouvoir le don d'organes: l'efficacité entre éthique et droit
2010 628 394
Coping with stigmatization: smokers' reactions to antismoking campaignsCoping with minority status: responses to exclusion and inclusion
2009 576 16
Determinants of Flu Vaccination among Nurses: The Effects of Group Identification and Professional ResponsibilityApplied psychology
2009 614 422
Influencia social y discriminación: percepción de la capacidad de adaptación de los inmigrantes y amenaza para la identidad nacionalRevista de Psicología Social
2009 715 430
Group motives in threatening contexts: When a loyalty conflict paradoxically reduces the influence of an anti-discrimination ingroup normEuropean journal of social psychology
2009 653 589
Conformity and identity threat: The role of group identificationSwiss journal of psychology
2009 924 1,117
"I'm not gay.... I'm a real man!": Heterosexual Men's Gender Self-Esteem and Sexual PrejudicePersonality & social psychology bulletin
2009 807 1,323
Being similar versus being equal: Intergroup similarity moderates the influence of ingroup norms on discrimination and prejudiceBritish journal of social psychology
2009 635 691
Epistemic constraint and teaching styleEuropean Journal of Psychology of Education
2009 596 169
Motivations underlying attitudes: regulatory focus and majority versus minority supportEuropean journal of social psychology
2008 592 3
Perceived Legitimacy of Collective Punishment as a Function of Democratic versus Non-Democratic Group StructureGroup Processes and Intergroup Relations
2007 565 0
Does the campaign against tobacco use necessarily reduce the attractions of smoking for young people ? Identity issues surrounding initiation into tobacco consumptionRevue européenne de psychologie appliquée
2007 587 5
Influence normative, menace intergroupe et adaptabilité perçue des immigrésBulletin de psychologie
2007 671 590
Smokers' (Dis)satisfaction, Persuasive Constraint, and Influence of Expert and Non-Expert SourcesSwiss journal of psychology
2006 585 4
Diagnosticité de la tâche dans l'évaluation des compétences et dépendance informationnelleRevue internationale de psychologie sociale
2006 739 7
De la psychologie sociale développementale à l'influence sociale dans les tâches d'aptitudesBilans et perspectives en psychologie sociale (Vol. 1)
2006 1,543 18
Democracy Justifies the Means: Political Group Structure Moderates the Perceived Legitimacy of Intergroup AggressionPersonality & social psychology bulletin
2005 628 0
Correspondance entre style d'influence et significations des positions initiales de la cible : le cas des sources expertesPerspectives cognitives et conduites sociales (Vol. 9)
2004 504 889
Implicaciones identitarias en los fumadores ante las campañas antitabacoEncuentros en Psicología Social
2004 577 108
Société contre fumeur: une analyse psychosociale de l'influence des experts
2004 812 143
Procesos de influencia en grupoPsicología de grupos I : estructura y procesos
2004 748 2,015
Perceived in-group threat as a factor moderating the influence of in-group norms on discrimination against foreignersEuropean journal of social psychology
2004 710 1,215
Social influence in personally relevant contexts: The respect attributed to the source as a factor increasing smokers' intention to quit smokingJournal of applied social psychology
2003 526 4
Influence sociale et discrimination : les limites de la norme de non-discriminationActes du colloque "Normes sociales et processus cognitifs"
2003 713 253
Persuasive constraint and expert versus non-expert influence in intention to quit smokingEuropean journal of social psychology
2002 655 676
Significations des positions initiales des cibles et dynamiques d'influence sociale dans une tâche d'aptitudes : l'hypothèse de correspondanceNouvelle Revue de Psychologie Sociale
2002 526 356
Social influence on intention to quit smoking: the effect of the rhetoric of an identity relevant messageRevue internationale de psychologie sociale
2002 590 192
Influence d'experts sur l'intention d'arrêter de fumer: contrainte persuasive et enjeux identitairesPsychologie française
2002 417 328
Social Influence and Threat in Social Comparison between Self and Source's Competence : Relational Factors Affecting the Transmission of KnowledgeSocial Influence in Social Reality. Promoting Individual and Social Change
2001 558 1,281
Influence sociale et changement: la voie du conflitLa Psychologie Sociale (Tome 5): Des compétences pour l'application
2001 563 135
Influencia social y disociación: elaboración interna vs. externa de la amenaza de la identidadRevista de Psicología Social
2001 1,212 707
A social influence contribution to the understanding of smoking cessation: Smoker's identity and influence relationshipSocial influence in social reality: promoting individual and social change
2001 556 1,136
El efecto del estatus de la fuente de influencia en función de la amenaza de la identidad y de la interdependencia de la posicionesAnuario de psicología
2000 544 94
Estrategias de fuentes expertas y no expertas para influir en fumadores ya convencidos de la argumentación contra el tabacoRevista de Psicología de la salud
2000 437 109
Influence sociale et représentations sociales : études expérimentales sur le groupe d'amis idéalPerspectives cognitives et conduites sociales (7)
2000 578 161
Source credibility, social comparison and social influenceRevue internationale de psychologie sociale
2000 588 237
Social influence and perceived social control in identity threatening contextsControl of human behaviour, mental processes and consciousness
2000 613 123
Influences sociales, sources et tâches: l'élaboration du conflitPsychologie sociale
2000 518 115
Social influence and identity conflictAttitudes, behavior, and social context : The role of norms and group membership
2000 668 328
Normative-related discrepancies and social discrimination change in an experimental group settingRevue internationale de psychologie sociale
2000 710 165
Smoking behaviour: an intriguing challenge for psychologySwiss journal of psychology
1999 77 0
The role of social influence and smoker identity in resistance to smoking cessationSwiss journal of psychology
1999 689 1,239
Influence sociale et résistance au changement chez les fumeursAlcoologie
1999 702 1,559
Factores asociados a la expresión del prejuicio como determinantes de la reducción de la discriminaciónRevista de Psicología Social
1998 596 1,726
Influence sociale et tabagisme : les enjeux identitaires du fumeurPsychoscope
1998 600 933
Influence et conflit d'identité: de la conformité à l'intériorisationPerspectives cognitives et conduites sociales. Vol. 6
1998 603 248
L'influence sociale sur les fumeurs : une approche psychosocialeAlcoologie
1998 505 88
Minority influence and intergroup relations: Social comparison and validation processes in the context of xenophobia in SwitzerlandSwiss journal of psychology
1997 619 207
Veränderung von Einstellungen zwischen Gruppen: sozialer Einfluss und AusländerfeindlichkeitIdentität und Verschiedenheit : zur Sozialpsychologie der Identität in komplexen Gesellschaften
1997 524 240
Social influence and threat to identity : does the fight against tobacco use require a ban on smoking ?Revue internationale de psychologie sociale
1996 557 197
Le paradoxe du déniLa psychologie sociale. T. 2, Des attitudes aux attributions: sur la construction sociale de la réalité
1996 605 195
Internalization of conflict and attitude changeEuropean journal of social psychology
1995 70 0
Internalization of conflict and attitude changeEuropean journal of social psychology
1995 551 0
Résistance au changement d'attitudes impliquantesLa psychologie sociale: relations humaines, groupes et influence (Tome 1)
1995 183 1
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