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1 - 38 of 38
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Space heating demand in the office building stock: Element-based bottom-up archetype modelEnergy and buildings
2023 63 17
Techno-economic analysis of fifth-generation district heating and cooling combined with seasonal borehole thermal energy storageEnergy
2023 62 49
Uncertainty in potential savings from improving energy label: A Monte Carlo study of the Swiss residential buildingsEnergy and buildings
2022 251 183
Optimal spatial resource allocation in networks: Application to district heating and coolingComputers & industrial engineering
2022 145 78
Building certificate use for benchmarking and stock modelling - Learnings from SwitzerlandBuildSys '22: The 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
2022 52 42
The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient futureThe Lancet. Public health
2022 147 35
Shallow geothermal energy potential for heating and cooling of buildings with regeneration under climate change scenariosEnergy
2022 300 334
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuelsLancet
2022 103 0
In search of optimal consumption: a review of causes and solutions to the Energy Performance Gap in residential buildingsEnergy and Buildings
2021 286 304
A Monte Carlo building stock model of space cooling demand in the Swiss service sector under climate changeEnergy and Buildings
2021 570 236
The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crisesThe Lancet
2021 191 1
The Energy Performance Gap in Swiss residential buildings: a roadmap for improvementJournal of physics. Conference series
2021 194 72
Potential and costs of decentralized heat pumps and thermal networks in Swiss residential areasWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy And Environment
2021 332 12
Geospatial global sensitivity analysis of a heat energy service decarbonisation model of the building stockApplied energy
2021 236 120
Computationally scalable geospatial network and routing analysis through multi-level spatial clusteringMethodsX
2020 471 92
Retrofitting of buildings: what about GHG emission reductions? The case study of Switzerland
2020 308 116
Energy Performance Certificate for buildings as a strategy for the energy transition: Stakeholder insights on shortcomingsIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 549 145
Simulation and comparative assessment of heating systems with tank thermal energy storage – A Swiss case studyJournal of Energy Storage
2020 371 179
Cost-effectiveness of large-scale deep energy retrofit packages for residential buildings under different economic assessment approachesEnergy and Buildings
2020 416 9
Spatiotemporal analysis of industrial excess heat supply for district heat networks in SwitzerlandEnergy
2020 376 9
Do energy performance certificates allow reliable predictions of actual energy consumption and savings? Learning from the Swiss national databaseEnergy and Buildings
2020 523 195
Global and cross-country analysis of exposure of vulnerable populations to heatwaves from 1980 to 2018Climatic Change
2020 449 146
GIS-based analysis of space cooling demand in the Swiss service sector21. Status-Seminar Erneuern! Sanierungsstrategien für den Gebäudepark
2020 200 116
Assessment of techno-economic feasibility of centralised seasonal thermal energy storage for decarbonising the Swiss residential heating sectorRenewable Energy
2020 387 226
A Heat Demand Load Curve Model of the Swiss National TerritoryCentral Europe Towards Sustainable Building (CESB19)
2019 497 290
Mapping district heating potential under evolving thermal demand scenarios and technologies: A case study for SwitzerlandEnergy
2019 305 5
Applications of graph theory in district heat network analysis at national scaleJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 298 105
Strategies for decarbonising the Swiss heating systemEnergy
2019 403 2
Deconstruct: A scalable method of as-built heat power loss coefficient inference for UK dwellings using smart meter dataEnergy and Buildings
2019 268 0
Definition of reference scenario to be used by all FEEB&D partners
2019 516 361
Exploratory study on clustering methods to identify electricity use patterns in building sectorJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 316 130
Measuring the thermal energy performance gap of labelled residential buildings in SwitzerlandEnergy Policy
2019 466 2
Energy consumption of high-performance buildings: Design vs. RealityJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 297 103
Evaluating the electricity saving potential of electrochromic glazing for cooling and lighting at the scale of the Swiss non-residential national building stock using a Monte Carlo modelEnergy
2019 679 580
GAPxPLORE: Energy Performance Gap in existing, new, and renovated buildings: Learning from large-scale datasets
2019 740 367
Comparison of clustering approaches for domestic electricity load profile characterisation - Implications for demand side managementEnergy
2019 338 1
Combined geospatial and techno-economic analysis of deep building envelope retrofitJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 281 99
Excess heat recovery: an invisible energy resource for the Swiss industry sectorApplied Energy
2018 896 15
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